Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/217

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ANNANDALE COMPLETE PEERAGE 167 19 Mar. 1668, and (having been a mother at 14 and a grandmother at 31) d. 13, and wasi-wr. 18 Dec. 1716, in Westm. Abbey. M.I. He w., 2ndly, 20 Nov. 1718, " without consent of the father, and perhaps mother," at the Fleet Chapel, London, Charlotte van Lore, only da. and h. of John van DEN Bempde, of Hackness Hall, co. York, and of Pall Mall, Midx., by Temperance, (") da. of John Packer. With her he obtained a very large fortune. He d. 14 Jan. 1720/1, at Bath, Somerset, and was bur. at John- stone, aged 66. C*) Will dat. 29 Dec. 1720, pr. Aug. 1721. His widow m. Lieut. Col. John Johnstone, who d. 1741, being killed at Carthagena. She d. 23 Nov. 1762, at Bath afsd. (°) Will pr. Dec. 1762. MARQUESSATE [S.] II. EARLDOM [S.] V. ► 1721. 3. James (Johnston), Marquess of Annandale, &c. [S.], s. and h. by ist wife. He was chosen as M.P. for co. Dumfries 1708, but, being the eldest s. of a Peer, was not allowed to take his seat. C^) He surrendered his honours, I Oct. 1726, and the regrant is made subject to certain conditions, one of which is mentioned in a disposition executed on the same day, whereby he declared it not leisome or lawful for any of his heirs to marry into a certain family of the name of Johnstone, whom, he adds, in that event, he excludes for ever from all right and succes- sion " to my said honours. (°) He d. unm., aged 42, of consumption, at Naples, 10 Feb., and was bur. 25 Sep. 1730, in Westm. Abbey. (*) M.I. MARQUESSATE [S.] m. EARLDOM [S.] VI. 1730 to 1792. 4. George (Johnston afterwards VAN DEN Bempde) Marquess of An- nandale, (i 70 i), Earl of Annandale and Hartfell ( 1 643), Earl of Hart- fell (1701), Viscount of Annand (1643 and 1 701), Lord Johnston of LochwooDjLochmaben, Moffatdale (") They were m. 28 Aug. 1699, at St. James's, Duke Place, London, he 40, and she 30. C") " Tall, lusty and well shaped, with a very black complexion ; extremely carried away by his private interests, possessing both good sense and a manly expression, but not much to be trusted. " Daniel Defoe writes of him to Robert Harley, 19 Feb. 1 7 10/ 1, as " of no reputation on either side because steady to none. " V.G. (") Their s., Richard van den Bempde Johnstone, of Hackness, in the North Riding of Yorkshire, inherited, in 1792, the estates of his mother, and was cr. a Baronet in 1795. His grandson, the 3rd Bart., was cr. Lord Derwent in 1881. (*) See ante, p. 2, note " a. " n See Riddell, p. 271. (*) On his death the estate of Craigie Hail (which came from his mother) went to his sister (of the whole blood) Henrietta, wife of Charles (Hope), ist Earl of Hopetoun [S.]. She </. 29 Nov. 1750, in her 69th year. Her grandson James, 3rd Earl of Hopetoun, became in 1792 (on the death of his grand-uncle George, 3rd Marquess of Annandale [S.]) the heir gen. of the 1st Earl of Annandale [S.], and, as such, claimed the dignities under the regrant of 1661.