Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/339

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ASTON COMPLETE PEERAGE 289 Aston of Forfar [S.J in 1627, as above mentioned. He was b. 3 Aug. 1709, in the parish of St. Giles's-in-the-Fields, Midx., and sue. his father 6Jan. 1721/2. He is said to have been a Rom. Cath. priest. He«/.unm., 29 Apr. 1755, and was bur. at St. Geo. the Martyr, Bloomsbury. Walter Aston, styling himself, in error. Lord Aston of Forfar [S.], only br. and h., b. 24 Feb. 1712, in the parish of St. Giles's, abovenamed. He m. Anne, da. of [.? Wright]. He d. 25 Mar. 1763, and was bur. at St. Geo. the Martyr afsd. (") Admon. 11 Apr. 1763 to his widow. She d. 11 Aug. 1764. Admon. of her goods granted I Oct. 1764, to Frances Wright, her mother. VII } 1769. 7. Walter Aston, styling himself Lord Aston of Forfar [S.], cousin and h., being s. and h. of Edward A. (by Anne, da. of Thomas Bayley, of Stafford), who was uncle of Philip, the supposed 6th Lord. He was b. 10 Oct. 1732, and was sometime in trade as a watchmaker. His vote at the election of Scottish Rep. Peers was objected to in 1768, on the grounds of the Peerage of Aston not being on the Union roll. In 1769, however, George III granted him a pension of ;^300 p.a. on the Scottish establishment under the name of "Walter, Lord Aston., Baron of Forfar." Q) He w., 28 May 1766, at Hampstead, Midx., Anne, da. of Peter Hutchinson, of Gales, co. York. He d. C) 29 July 1805, in Bolton Row, Piccadilly, in his 73rd year, and was bur. in Grosvenor Chapel, St. Geo., Han. Sq. Will pr. Feb. 1806. A 'Lady Aston,' conceivably his widow, was bur. at Bath Abbey, 2 Apr. 1808. The will of Anne, Dowager Lady Aston, was pr. Feb. 1821. VIII.? 1805 8. The Rev. Walter Hutchinson Aston, styling to himself Lord Aston of Forfar [S.], ist and only surv. 1845. s. and h., b. 15 Sep. 1769, and bap. at St. Geo., Han. Sq. Matric. at Oxford (Ch. Ch.), 12 June 1789, as " the son of a Baron. " B.A. 1793. M.A. 1796. After officiating at Caversham, Berks., and at Tamworth, co. Warwick, he became Vicar of Tardebigg, co. Worcester, 1821. J. P. for co. Worcester. In Feb. 18 19 he presented a petition to the Crown, claiming the Barony of Aston of Forfar [S.]. He »z., 14 June 1802, at St. Mary's, Nottingham, Elizabeth, da. of the Rev. Nathan Haines, D.D., by Susan, sister of Sir John Chudleigh, 6th Bart., and da. of George Chudleigh, of Chalm- (') The Gent. Mag. for Apr. 1763 states, " Died lately Rt. Hon. Lord Aston, formerly cook to Sir [Charles] Mordaunt, Bart. He is succeeded by Mr. Walter Aston, a watchmaker. " V.G. n On 5 D^c. 1778 he had a patent of arms at the Lyon office, on delivering up thereto a patent (not recorded) granted by Brodie, Lyon, to Philip, Lord Aston. {ex inform. R.R.Stodart, Lyon Clerk Depute.) C') " His Lordship, who had been engaged in trade in the early part of his life... was an inoffensive man of rather a convivial turn. " {Gent. Mag.) V.G. 38