2o6 BOLINGBROKE Pedigree showing the relationship of the Viscounts Bolingbroke (17 12) to the former (1624-1711) Earls of Bolingbroke. Sir Oliver St. John, = Margaret, sister and h. of Sir =p John (Beaufort) Duke <i. 1437, 1st hus- band. I Sir John St. John, of Bletso, s. and h., K.B. 1488. Sir John St. John, of Bletso, s. and h., K.B. 1502. John Beauchamp, of Bletso, I of Somerset, 2nd hus- Beds. I Oliver St. John, of Lydiard Tregoze, Wilts, 2nd son. Sir John St. John, s. and h., d. i 5 1 2. I L I band. r Margaret, sole h. of her father, m. Edmund (Tudor), Earl of Rich- mond. = I ; Henry V'll, King of England. % 1 Sir John St. John, of Bletso, living i 549. John St. John, s. and h., 7 years old in I 5 I 2. J I Oliver, cr. Baron St. John of Bletso, 1559, d. 1582. = I H John 2nd Baron St. Oliver, 3rd Baron St. John, (^././.»7., 1596. John, <j'. 1618. J r Nicholas St. John, s. and h., living 1549. 1 Sir John St. John, s. and h. J 1 I Ann, da. and h., m. William (Howard), Baron Howard of Effingham. = I Oliver, cr. Viscount Grandi- son [I.J, 1622, with a spec, rem. d. s.p., 1630. r 1 I. Oliver, 4th Baron Sir Rowland St. John, cr. Earl of St. John, K.B. Bolingbroke 1624, d. 1646. == I Oliver St. John, sum. as Baron St. John, £'./. He d. v.f. and s.p.m., 1 642. J Sir Paulet St. John, K.B., d. v.p. andj'/i638. Sir Oliver St. John, cr. a Bart., 1660. I I Sir John St. Barbara, m. Sir John, cr. a Edward Villiers. Bart.,161 1. From whom the Viscounts Gran- dison [I.], Earls of Jersey. pJ Sir Walter St. John, 3rd Bart., 6th son, sue. his nephew, d. 1708, aged 86. /K I II. Oliver, £dr/ of Bolingbroke and Baron St. John, d. 1688, III. Paulet, Earl of Bolingbroke and Baron St. John, </. unm. I 71 1. I Sir Andrew St. John, Bart., d. 1 709. Ancestor of the Barons St. John, heirs male of the Earls of Bolingbroke. = I I. Henry St. John (the statesman) cr. Viscount Bolingbroke (with a spec, rem.) 1712, v.p., d. ^•A. 1751- I Sir Henry St. John, Bart.,fr.Viscount St. John (with a spec, rem.) 1716, a*. 1742, aged 90. = John, 2nd Viscount St. John, 2nd son, d. 1749. J I II. Frederick, 3rd Viscount St. John (in 1749) and (in 1 751) 2nd Viscount Bolingbroke. From whom the succeeding Viscounts Bolingbroke and St. John derive.