Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 2.djvu/444

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428 BURGHERSH (Beauchamp), Lord Bergavenny, or Beauchamp of Bergavenny, who, in Feb. 1420/1, was cr. Earl OF Worcester, and who ^.i./).w2., 18 Mar. 142 1/2, and was bur. at Tewkesbury. She m., 2ndly (by spec, dispensation), 26 Nov. 1423, at Hanley Castle, co. Worcester, as 2nd wife, her husband's cousin, Richard (Beauchamp), Earl of Warwick, who d. 30 Apr., and was bur. 4 Oct. 1439, at Warwick. M.I. She <i'. 27 Dec. 1439, at the Friars Minoresses, London, and was bur. 13 Jan. 1439/40, in Tewkesbury Abbey, aged 39. M.L Will dat. i Dec. 1439, pr. 4 Feb. 1439/40. Inq. p. m. (1440) 18 Henry VL Vin. 1439. 6. Henry (Beauchamp), Earl of WARWICK,^ and, apparently. Lord Burghersh, only s. and h. by 2nd husband, b. 22 Mar. 1424/5. He, who was cr. Duke of Warwick, d. s.p.m., 11 June 1446, aged 21. IX. 1446 7. Anne, suo jure Countess of Warwick, and, to according to modern doctrine. Baroness Burghersh, 1449. only da. and h. She d. an infant and unm., 3 June 1449, when the Barony of Burghersh fell into abey- ance between her aunts (the daughters of Isabel, her grandmother, by her two husbands) or their descendants. (') <; CD V n f^ o o ■-► 3 e i.e. "Baron of Burghersh, Sussex," see "Westmorland," Earldom of, cr. 1624. BURGHLEY BARONY. I . William Cecil, s. and h. of Richard C, of Burghley (near Stamford), Northants, sometime Groom of the Ward- I. 1571. robe (who d. 19 Mar. 1552/3), by Jane (d. 10 Mar. 1587/8), da. and h. of William Heckington, of Bourne, CO. Lincoln. He was ^.13 Sep. 1521, and bap. at Bourne afsd. ; ed. at Grantham and Stamford Schools, and May 1535 at St. John's Coll., Cambridge; admitted 6 May 1541 to Gray's Inn. M.P. for Stamford (") These coheirs were (i) George (Nevill), Lord Bergavenny, s. and h. of Sir Ed- ward Nevill, by Elizabeth, suo jure^ apparently, Baroness Bergavenny, who was 1st da. of Isabel, mo jure, apparently, Baroness Burghersh abovenamed, and only child and h. of the said Isabel's ist husband, Richard (Beauchamp), Lord Bergavenny (or Beau- champ of Bergavenny), and Earl of Worcester ; (2) Anne, 2nd and yst. da. of the said Isabel, sister of the whole blood to Henry, Duke of Warwick, (apparently, Lord Burghersh) abovenamed, both being the said Isabel's children by her 2nd husband, Richard (Beau- champ), Earl of Warwick. This Anne was then wife of Richard Nevill, who on 23 July 1449, was confirmed in the Earldom of Warwick. She d. a widow, s.p.m., about 1490, leaving numerous descendants. See pedigree, vol. i, p. 28. The coheirship as thus stated is independent of any doctrine of half blood, for this was fully argued in the Fitzwalter case, when the judges agreed unanimously that the half blood was no impediment to the descent of a dignity to the heir general.