Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/103

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CASTLECOMER 83 V. 1 75 1 5. John (Wandesford), Viscount Castlecomer AND to Baron Wandesford [I.], also a Baronet [1662], only 1784. surv. s. and h., bap. 24 May 1725, at Ripon. He took his seat in the House of Lords [I.] 1751. On 15 Aug. 1758 he was «-. EARL WANDESFORD, CO. Kilkenny [I.]. Hew., 1 1 Aug. 1750, Agnes Elizabeth, da. and h. of John Southwell, of Enniscouch, CO. Limerick, by Sarah, ist da. of Henry Rose, a Justice of the King's Bench [I.]. She d. 21 Apr. 178 i, at Castlecomer, co. Kilkenny. Will pr. 1784. He d. s.p.m.s., 12 Jan. 1784, at Castlecomer, and was bur. there, aged 59, when his Peerage dignities as well as the Baronetcy became extinct.i^) Will dat. 28 Nov. 1772, pr. 8 May 1784. CASTLE CONNELL or CONNELL See "Bourke of Connell," Barony [L](5oKr^(?),cr. i ^io forfeited ()i. CASTLE COOLE See "Belmore of Castle Coole, co. Fermanagh," Barony [L] {Lowry- Corry), cr. 178 i. CASTLE COOTE i.e. " CooTE OF Castle Coote, co. Roscommon," Viscountcy [I.] {Coote), cr. 6 Sep. 1660, with "Mountrath," Earldom of [L], which see; extinct 1802. BARONY [L] I. Charles Henry (Coote), Earl of Mountrath, Viscount Coote of Castle Coote, and Baron Coote of L 1800. Castle Cuffe [L], as also a Baronet [I.], who, in Aug. 1744, had sue. his father in those honours, having no heir expectant to his peerage dignities, was, on 3 1 July 1 8oo,() cr. BARON CASTLE COOTE [L], with a spec, rem., failing the heirs male of his body, to his kinsman, Charles Henry Coote. He d. s.p., 2 Mar. 1802, at Straw- berry Hill, CO. Devon, when the Peerages he had inherited became extinct (see fuller account under "Mountrath," Earldom of [I.], cr. 1660; extinct 1802), but the Barony of 1800 devolved as under. (^) His son, John Wandesford, styled Viscount Castlecomer, h. 23 Apr. 1753, d. young and v.p. Ann, his only da. who had issue, to., 13 Feb. 1769, John Butler, who by "decision of the House of Lords [I.] in 1791 became Earl of Ormonde [I.]. Their 4th and yst. s., the Hon. Charles Harward Butler-Clarke-Southwell-Wandes- ford, sue. to the estates of the families of Wandesford and Southwell, and d. 7 Nov. i860, aged 79, leaving issue. (*>) This was one of the many peerages recommended by Lord Cornwallis as a re- ward for supporting the Union, and one of 16 cr. on the same day. See Appen- dix H to this volume. V.G.