Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/116

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96 CASTLE STEWART CASTLE STEWART or CASTLE STUART(^) BARONY [I.] I. Andrew Stewart, s. and h. of Andrew S., Master J ^ opOcHiLTREEjbyMargaret, da. of Henry (Stewart), Lord "■ Methven, and grandson and h. of Andrew, 2nd Lord Ochiltree [S.], whom he sue. in that peerage between 2 Aug. 1593 and 21 Mar. 1601/2. He was ^. 1560; first Gent, of the Bedchamber to King James; was Gen. of the Artillery, and Gov. of Edinburgh Castle. On 11 Mar. 1613/4 he was, with other English and Scottish Peers, sum. by writ to the Irisk House of Lords. C") Having ruined himself by extravagance, he sold his estate in Scotland to his cousin, Sir James Stewart, to whom he resigned, with consent of the Crown, his Scottish Peerage in 161 5. Retaining the King's favour, however, he obtained large grants of land in co. Tyrone. In pursuance of the King's letters, 28 May leiSjC^) he was cr., 7 Nov. 161 9, BARON CASTLE STUART of CO. Tyrone [I.]. He m., shortly after 8 Aug. 1587, Mar- garet, da. of Sir John Kennedy, of Blairquhan. He d. Jan. 1 628/9, aged 68. IL 1629. 2. Andrew (Stewart), Baron Castle Stuart [I.], s. and h. He had, v.p., been cr. a Baronet [S.] 2 Oct. 1628. (■*) On 14 July 1634 he took his seat in the House of Lords [!.].(*) Hew., istly(cont. dat. 15 Aug. 1604), Anne, 5th and yst. da. and coh. of John (Stewart), 5th Earl of Atholl [S.], by Mary, da. of William (Ruthven), Earl of Gowrie [S.]. She d. about 15 Oct. 1635, and was i>ur. the Sunday following. Fun. Ent. He m., 2ndly, ( — ). He d. 30 Mar., and was iur. 3 Apr. 1639. Fun. Ent. Admon. 3 Dec. 1647 to "Sir Arthur Blundell, Knt.," for use of Andrew, " Lord Stewart, now Baron of Castle Stewart," during his absence. in. 1639. 3. Andrew (Stewart), Baron Castle Stuart [L], s. and h. On 21 Nov. 1648 he was served h. to his grandfather. Lord Ochiltree [S.], in the lands of Crugilltown Castle, co. Wigton. He was Gov. for the King, in 1642, of Fort Falkland in King's County, but was forced to surrender it to the Rom. Cath. rebels under Gen. Preston, afterwards Lord Tara. He m., before 1635, Joyce, da. and h. of Sir Arthur Blundell, of Blundellsbury in King's County, by Susanna, (^) The spelling is Castle Stuart in the patent for the Barony, and in that for the Viscountcy, but Castle Stewart in the patent for the Earldom. C') See vol. i, p. 2, note "c " sub " Abercorn," Earldom of [S.]. C^) See Lodge, vol. vi, p. 242. {^) He is said, in his Fun. entry, to have been knighted by King James, and is called, in his wife's Fun. entry, " Baronet of New Scotland, in America, and Lord Steward of Castle Steward." V.G. (*) He was a great patron of such Scots as had settled in Ireland, especially of the " nonconforming ministers."