Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/126

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io6 CATHCART IX. 1740. 9. Charles Schaw (Cathcart), Lord Cathcart [S.], 3rdQ but ist surv. s. and h. by ist wife, b. at Edinburgh, 21 Mar. 1721. Capt. 20th regt., 1742; a Lord of the Bed- chamber; was A.D.C. to H.R.H. the Duke of Cumberland, at the battle of Fontenoy, 30 Apr. 1745, where he was severely woundedjC*) and where his only surv. br. was slain in his 23rd year. Capt. 3rd regt. of Foot Guards, June 1745, Col. and Adjutant Gen. to the Forces in North Britain, 1750; Major Gen. 1758, becoming, finally, Lieut. Gen. in 1760. He was from Nov. 1 748 to Oct. 1 749 one of the hostages to France for the performing of the definite treaty. Rep. Peer [S.] 1752-76. High Commissioner to the Gen. Assembly of the Kirk [S.], 1755-63, and 1773-76; Gov. of Dunbarton Castle 1761-64; K.T. 13 Apr. 1763. First Lord of Police 1764 till his death. On 24 Feb. 1768 he was appointed Ambassador to the Court of Russia, at St. Petersburg, where he remained till 1771. P.C. 29 June 1768. Lord Rector of Glasgow Univ. 1773-75. He m., 24 July 1753, at Greenwich Hospital, Jean, da. of Lord Archibald Hamilton, Gov. of Greenwich Hospital (7th s. of Anne, suo jure Duchess of Hamilton [S.]),by his 2nd wife, Jane, da. of James (Hamilton), 6th Earl of Abercorn [S.]. She, who was b. 19 Aug. 1726, in London, d. at St. Petersburg, 13 Nov. 1771, and was bur. in Audley chapel, St. Geo., Han. Sq. He d. 14 Aug. 1776, at his house, Grosvenor place, Midx., in his 56th year. Will pr. Aug. 1776. X. 1776. 10 and I. William Schaw (Cathcart), Lord Cathcart [S.], s. and h., b. at Petersham, Surrey, VISCOUNTCY. 17 Sep., and bap. 15 Oct. 1755; ed. at Eton, 1766-71; , o studied law at Dresden and Glasgow; entered Line. Inn, '■ Nov. 1775, and was admitted as an Advocate at Edin- FART DOM '^^'■gh, Feb. 1776. Entered the Army (7th Dragoons) on his father's death, in 1777, and served with the I. 1 8 14. 1 6th and 17th Light Dragoons in America; Major 98th regt., 1779; and, shortly afterwards. Quarter Master Gen. to the Forces in America, till 1780, when he returned home; Lieut. Col. Coldstream Guards 178 1, which he exchanged, in 1789, for that of the 29th Foot, of which he was Col. 1792-97. He was Col. in the Castle Rackrcnt several particulars are given of Col. Macguire's treatment of his wife. G.E.C. Her avowed motives for her various marriages were, the first to please her parents, the second for money, the third for title, and the fourth because " the devil owed her a grudge and would punish her for all her sins." See Gents Mag., Aug. 1789, where there is a full account of her and her troubles with her rascally fourth husband, who recalls Thackeray's Barry Lyndon. V.G. (^) His twin elder brothers, George Alan, and John, h. in Edinburgh, 21 Mar. 1 719, both d. young, and were bur. at Holyrood. He sold the estate of Auchen- cruive in 1764, which had been in his family since 1376. V.G. (^) The black patch over the "Fontenoy " scar on his cheek (of which he was very proud) appears in all his portraits.