Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/135

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CAUNTELO 115 his step-grandmother in 1362. He m. Katherine. He d. s.p. and v.p., 21 or 22 Feb. 1 3 70/ 1, at Avignon. (^) His widow died before 6 July I375.() (F). Sir William de Cauntelou, br. and h., aged 26 and more at his brother's death. He inherited Ravensthorpe, if}c., co. York, on the death of his step-grandmother in 1362. He had livery of his brother's lands, 26 Sep. 1371, his homage being respited, as he was then on the King's service in Aquitaine.() Hew/.Maud. Yi&d.s.p. and -y./)., 3 1 Mar. 1375. C"^) His widow ;;;., 2ndly (pardon for marrying without lie, 24 Oct. I379),(°) as 2nd wife, Sir Thomas de Kydale, of South Ferriby, co. Lincoln. They had father of the said William who d. s.p. Eventually, William la Zouche of Harring- worth [d. 1 381) obtained the manors in cos. Derby, Notts, Wilts, and Lincoln. (Exch. Inq. p. m., I, file 43, no. 3; Exch. Enrolments, no. 203; Ch. hiq. p. ot., Ric. II, file 14, no. 15, file 74, no. no, and (on William la Zouche) file 23, no. 62). (^) " Nicholaus de Cantilupo." Writs of diem cl. ext. 8 May and 9 July 45 Edw. in England and 32 in France. Inq., co. Lincoln, Monday before and Saturday after St. Barnabas [9, 14 June] 1371. "Et dicunt quod predictus Nicholaus obiit in Aviniona die veneris proximo ante festum sancti Petri in Cathedra [21 Feb.] anno etc. xlv*" et quod Willelmus de Cantilupo chivaler est frater et propinquior heres predicti Nicholai et est etatis xxiiij" [a/iter xxvj] annorum et amplius." Inq., Bucks, Thursday after St. Swithun [17 July] 1371. "... obiit xxj° die Februarii ultimo preterito." Inq., co. Derby, Saturday the vigil of SS. Peter and P.-iul [28 June] and 12 July 1371. "... obiit die sabati in festo sancti Petri in Cathedra ultimo preterito [22 Feb.]." Inq., Notts, Saturday after Corpus Christi [7 June] 1 37 1. "... obiit die veneris proxima post festum sancti Valentini ultimo preterita [21 Feb.]." Heir: as above, aged 25 and more, or 26. (Ch. Inq. p. m., Edw. Ill, file 220, no. 13). (*) "Nicholaus de Cauntelou." Writ oi mandamus 28 June 45 and 32 Edw. Inq., CO. Lincoln, Saturday after St. Michael [4 Oct.] 1371. He had settled the manors of Lavington, Kingthorpe, and Withcall, on himself and Katherine his wife adhuc superstitem and the heirs of their bodies, rem. to his right heirs. {Idem). A commission of oyer and terminer was appointed, 10 Mar. 1365/6, on a complaint by Nicholas that Ralph Paynel chr. and others had ravished Katherine his wife, and carried her away from his castle of Greasley. {Patent Roll, 40 Edw. Ill, pars i, '«. 37 d). (<=) Close Roll, 45 Edw. Ill, m. 15. (<i) "Willelmus de Cantilupo chivaler junior." Writs of diem cl. ext. 12 Apr. 49 Edw. in England and 36 in France. Inq., cos. Lincoln (2), Bucks, Tuesday and Thursday in Easter week [24, 26 Apr.] and Wednesday after St. Dunstan [23 May], 1375. "Et dicunt quod predictus Willelmus obiit die sabati proxima post festum Annunciacionis beate Marie virginis [31 Mar.] anno supradicto . . . Et dicunt quod Willelmus de Cantilupo chivaler qui nunc est pater predicti Willelmi defunct! est filius et propinquior heres predicti Nicholai de Cantilupo chivaler et est etatis quadragmta annorum et amplius." Inq., cos. Notts, Derby, 11, 12 May 1375. Heir: as above, of full age. Inq., Wilts, I May 1375. "... obiit die dominica proximo ante festum dominice in Ramis Palmarum proximo preterits [8 Apr.] sine herede de corpore suo exeunte." Inq., co. York, 22 June 1375. "... obiit ultimo die Marcii ultimo preterito." (Ch. Inq. p. m., Edw. Ill, file 243, no. 28: Exch. Inq. p. m., I, file 37, no. 15, and Enrolments, no. 173). (') Patent Roll, 3 Ric. II, pars I, m. 19.