Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/137

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CAVAN 117 11. 161 8. 2 and i. Charles (Lambart), Lord Lambart, Baron Cavan [I.], s. and h., b. in Ireland, aged 1 8 years EARLDOM [L] and 2 months at his father's death. M.P. for Bossiney, T r Cornwall 1626, and 1628-29. Took his seat in the ^ House of Lords [L] Nov. 1634, distinguishing himself as a speaker. Seneschal of co. Cavan and of Kells, 1627. P.C. [L]. Raised a regt. of 1,000 Foot against the Rom. Cath. rebels. Commander of the Forces in Dublin in 1642, being very active in the cause of the King. On i Apr. i647,(*) he was cr. VISCOUNT KILCOURSIE in King's County, and EARL OF THE COUNTY OF CAVAN [I.]. He ;«., before 30 June 1625, Jane, sister of John, ist Earl OF Radnor, da. of John (Robartes), ist Baron Robartes of Truro, by Frances, da. and coh. of John Hender. She, who was bap. 21 Dec. 1598, at Truro, d. 1655. He d. 25 June, and was bur.^ with his wife, 4 July 1660, in St. Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin, aged about 60. Will dat. 15 Feb. 1659, pr. 28 June i66o() in Dublin. EARLDOM [I.] IL BARONY [I.] in. 2 and 3. Richard (Lambart), Earl of Cavan, Csfc. [I.], s. and h., who appears to ^^ have been passed over by his father (in favour 1660. r ki- T 1 1 ■ 1 • • or a yr. s., Oliver Lambart) as to the mnentmg of the chief part of the family estates. He was M.P. for Kilbeggan, 1647-49. Either he or his successor sat as " Lambert, Earl of Cavan," in the Pari. [I.] of James II, 7 May 1689. ('=) He m., istly, 12 Nov. 1648, Rose, 2nd da. of Sir James Ware, of Macestown, co. Dublin, by his ist wife, Elizabeth, da. of Jacob Newman. She, who was b. 10 Jan. 1627, d. 29 Dec. 1649, and was bur. at St. Werburgh's, Dublin. He »z., 2ndly,() Elizabeth, widow of Francis Derenzi, oMf rK^w^ Keane, of Tinnecross,Kilbride, in King's County. He was found a lunatic in 1670, and the custody of his person was committed to his wife, Elizabeth, i Mar. 1674/5. She d. 1686. He d. shortly before May i69i.(^) Admon. 3 Aug. 1691. (*) It is stated in Lodge., vol. i, p. 355 note., that "the patent passed the seals in Apr. 1647 '^u'^'S not inrolled in H.M's. High Court of Chancery." The privy seal was dat. at Newcastle 14 Jan. 1646/7. This (and not the patent) is stated, in Lodge's MS. patents, to have been enrolled " R. 19." In Salmon's peerage the date is 30 Mar. 1647, the same date as the Earl of Donegall's patent, which immediately precedes it, but in Lodge's MS. it is I April, as given above. C*) There is an entry in the Registers of St. Audoen's, Dublin, under I 7 July 1660, of the burial of " Lord Lambert." This may refer to him, or possibly to his son, the Hon. Charles Lambart, said to have d. 2 June 1660, at. 23, and to have been bur. the 9th at St. Patrick's. See Lodge, vol. i, p. 357. (') For a list of peers present in, and absent from, this Pari., see Appendix D to this volume. ("*) There is a lie. at the Fac. office, 20 Nov. 1660, for him (then aged 36 and a widower) to marry Amphillis Wray, of St. Giles' s-in-the-Fields, about 25, at Lincoln's Inn, or Gray's Inn, Chapel. No such marriage however appears to have taken place. ("=) On 3 May 1691 a bill in Chancery was filed by Mary, Countess Dowager of