Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/144

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124 CAWDOR 2nd da. of Gen. the Hon. Henry Frederick Compton Cavendish, by his 1st wife, Sarah, da. of William Augustus Fawkener. She, who was b. 27 Aug. 1 8 13, at Sutton Court, Chiswick, and who was Maid of Honour to the Queen, 1 837-42, (") d. 21 Apr. 1881, at Stackpole Court, aged 67, and was bur. at Stackpole. He d. there, of paralysis, after several weeks' illness, 29 Mar., and was bur. there 2 Apr. 1898, in his 8ist year. Will dat. 9 Aug. 1894, pr. 14 June 1898. EARLDOM. III. BARONY. IV. 3 and 4. Frederick Archibald Vaughan (Campbell), Earl Cawdor of Castlemartin „ o [1827], Viscount Emlyn [1827], and Baron ' ^ ' Cawdor of Castlemartin [1796], s. and h., b. 13 Feb. 1847, ^^ St. Leonard's Hill, Windsor; ed. at Eton, and at Ch. Ch. Oxford. M.P. (Con- servative) for CO. Carmarthen, 1874-85. Eccle- siastical Commissioner, 1880 till his death. Commissioner of Lunacy 1886-93; Chairman of the G.W^. Railway 1895-1905; Lord Lieut, ofco. Pembroke 1896 till his death; Militia A.D.C. to Queen Victoria 1 899-1 901, and to Edward VII, and George V, 1901 till his death; Pres. of the Roy. Agric. Soc. 1 901 ; P.C. 14 Mar. 1905; First Lord of the Admiralty Mar. to Dec. i905.() Hem., 16 Sep. 1868, at Stoke Rochford, co. Lincoln, Edith Georgiana, ist da. of Christopher Turnor, of Stoke Rochford afsd., by Caroline, da. ofGeorge William (Finch-Hatton), 9th Earl of Winchilsea. He d. in a nursing home in London, from the effects of a chill, 8, and was bur. 1 1 Feb. 19 11, at Cheriton, co. Pembroke, aged nearly S^..^") Will dat. 7 Sep. 1903, pr. 25 Apr. 191 1, gross ;^633, 328, net ;^52, 973. His widow was living 19 13. [Hugh Frederick Vaughan Campbell, styled Viscount Emlyn 1 898-1 9 1 1, 1st s. and h. ap., b. 21 June 1870; ed. at Eton; matric. at Oxford (Ch. Ch.) 1889, B.A. 1893. He m., 11 June 1898, at Westm. Abbey, Joan Emily Mary, ist da. of John Charles Thynne, by Mary Elizabeth, yr. da. of Sir John Atholl Murray MacGregor, 3rd Bart. She (*) " Your Majesty having generally chosen handsome and attractive girls for the Maids of Honour, which is very right, must expect to lose them in this way. Lord Melbourne is very glad of the marriage. Lord Emlyn always seemed to him a very pleasing young man, and well calculated to make a woman happy." (Viscount Melbourne : letter to Queen Victoria, 15 May 1842). V.G. (^) His appointment to the highly important post of First Lord of the Admiralty occasioned some surprise, as he had never held office before: the way in which he administered the department, however, fully justified his selection. For a list of holders of this office, and for other Great Officers of State, see vol. ii. Appendix D. ("^) He was a most efficient chairman of the Great Western Railway; and was one of the numerous peers who have been directors of public companies, for a list of whom (in 1896) see vol. v, Appendix C. V.G.