Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/146

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126 CHANDOS CHANDOS OF SUDELEY BARONY. I. John Brydges or Bruges,Q s. and h. of Sir Giles . Brugge, of Cubberley, co. Gloucester {d. 1 5 1 1), by Isabel, -'^^' da. of Thomas Baynham, was b. and bap. 9 Mar. 1491/2, at Cubberley; he was with the King at Therouenne and Tournay in the French wars, and at the battle of the Spurs, 16 Aug. 1 5 13, as also at Calais in Oct. 1532, and at Boulogne in 1533; knighted 15 13; M. P. for co. Gloucester 1529-36. Keeper of Langley manor, and Ranger of Wichwood Forest 1536. Constable of Sudeley Castle, CO. Gloucester, 1538; Groom of the Privy Chamber 1539 (when the King received Anne of Cleves); Dep. Gov. of Boulogne 1547; Sheriff of CO. Gloucester 1549-50; Lieut, of the Tower of London, Aug. 1553 to June 1 554. Having been instrumental in suppressing Wyatt's rebellion, he obtained from Queen Mary a grant of the Castle and manor of Sudeley abovenamed. On 8 Apr. 1554 he was cr. BARON CHANDOS OF SUDELEY, CO. Gloucester. He attended Lady Jane Grey, as his prisoner, to the scaffold 4 days later. He m. Elizabeth, da. of Edmund (Grey), Lord Grey (of Wilton), by Florence, da. of Sir Ralph Hastings. He d. at Sudeley Castle, 12 Apr., and was bur. "according to his degree," 3 May 1557, at Sudeley. Will dat. 2 Mar. 1555/6, pr. 28 May 1557. His widow (3'. 29 Dec. 1559, and was bur. 3 Jan. 1560, at St. Faith's, by St. Paul's, London. Will dat. 5 Sep. 1559, pr. 5 Jan. 1559/60. IL 1557. 2. Edmund (Brydges), Baron Chandos OF Sudeley, s. and h., b. before 1522; he fought in Scotland and France, and was made a Knight Banneret after the battle of Musselburgh, at Roxburgh, 27 Sep. 1547. M.P. for Wootton Basset 1545-47, and for CO. Gloucester Sep. to Dec. 1553. Lord Lieut, of co. Gloucester, 1559; nom. K.G. 23 Apr. and inst. 17 June i572.() He ot., about 1548, Dorothy, sister and coh. of John, 2nd Lord Bray, 5th da. of Edmund (Bray), Lord Bray, by Jane, da. and h. of Sir Richard Halighwell, or Halywell, of Holwell. He d. 1 1 Mar. 1572/3, and was bur. at Sudeley. Will dat. i Mar. 1572/3, pr. 5 June 1573. His widow, who was aged 29 in I559,() w., as his I St wife, William (Knollys), Baron Knollys of Greys (after- wards, 1626, Earl of Banbury), who d. 25 May 1632. She ^.31 Oct. 1605, at Minty, being bur. at Rotherfield Greys, Oxon. in. 1573. 3. Giles (Brydges), Baron Chandos of Sudeley, s. and h., aged 25 in 1573. M.P. for Cricklade 1571; for CO. Gloucester 1572-73; Lord Lieut, of co. Gloucester 1586. He w., before Sep. 1573, Frances, 5th da. of Edward (Clinton), ist Earl of (^) His descent from and representation of Roger [Lord] Chaundos (1337-53), is given below, %ub Chaundos. () For a list of the Knights of the Garter see vol. ii, Appendix B. ('^) See pedigree of Bray, vol. ii, p. 288.