Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/155

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CHARLEMONT 135 Lord Deputy Carey; was Receiver of the vast estates of the rebel Earl of Tyrone, 1607-10, of which he, in 16 10, obtained 1,000 acres. Gov. of co. Tyrone and co. Armagh 1608; M.P. for co. Armagh 16 13-15; P.C. [I.] 17 Apr. 1613; a Commissioner for the escheated estates in Ulster, 1616; Master Gen. of the Ordnance [I.] 1617 till his death. On 22 Dec. 1620 0) he was cr. LORD CAULFEILD, BARON OF CHARLE- MONT, CO. Armagh [I.], with a spec, rem., failing heirs male of his body, to his nephew, Sir William Caulfeild-C") He d. unm., 17 Aug., and was bur. 21 Sep. 1627, in Christ Church, Dublin, aged nearly 62. Will dat. 22 July 1627, pr. at Dublin. II. 1627. 2. William (Caulfeild), Lord Caulfeild, Baron OF Charlemont [I.], nephew and h. according to the spec. rem. of the creation; bap. at St. Mary Magd., Oxford, 8 Oct. 1587. He was s. of George C, Recorder of Oxford (elder br. of the last Lord), by Martha, da. of Richard Taverner, of Wood Eaton, Oxon. He was knighted [I.] by Lord Deputy St. John, 8 June 1618; Sheriff of co. Tyrone 1620; Gov. of Fort Charlemont, 1621 ; Master G&n. of the Ordnance [I.], 1627-34, and a Commissioner for the escheated estates in Ulster. He took his seat in the House of Lords [I.] 4 Nov. 1634, their Lordships being satisfied, without the production of writ or patent, that he was "a Lord of Pari." He m. Mary, da. of Sir John King, of Boyle Abbey, co. Roscommon, by Catherine, da. of Robert Drury. He d. 4 Dec. 1640, aged about c^t,, and was bur. at Charlemont, but was removed to Armagh Cathedral. M.I. Will dat. 6 Nov. 1640. Inq.p. m. at Dungannon and Charlemont. His widow survived 23 years, for 14 of which she was kept (by the then dominant party) out of her estates. In Aug. 1661 she received ;^40 from the Irish Govt, "for her present maintenance." She d. 1663. Will, in which she directs her burial to be in the church of Mullaghbrack, dat. 16 July and pr. 15 Aug. 1663, at Dublin. III. 1640. 3. Toby (Caulfeild), Lord Caulfeild, Baron of Charlemont [I.], s. and h., aged 19 years and 2 months at his father's death. Admitted Line. Inn, 29 Oct. 1637; matric. at Oxford (Exeter Coll.) 2 June 1638, aged 17. He was M.P. for co. Tyrone, 1639-40, and in 1640 was Gov. of Fort Charlemont, where, having enter- tained Sir Phelim O'Neill, on 22 Oct. 1641, he was made prisoner by him and murdered (though apparently without that chieftain's cognizance) at O'Neill's house, the Castle of Kinard. He d. unm. 6 Jan. 164 1/2. Inq. p. m. at Armagh. (^) See the very long preamble to this patent in Lodge., vol. iii, p. 138, and see also idem, p. 1 54, for the preamble to the patent creating the Earldom (23 Dec. 1763), wherein it is stated that an Earldom was intended to be conferred on the first Baron, as appears by Royal letters 16 July 1622. C^) In Dec. 1625, he is described as "aged and unwieldy." V.G.