Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/162

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142 CHARLEVILLE EARLDOM [I.] III. 2. Charles William (Bury), Earl of Charleville, &'c. [I.], only s. and h., i>. 29 Apr. 1 801. Sheriffof King's County 1825. 1835. M.P. (Tory) for Carlow [I.] (as Lord Tulla- more) 1826-32, and for Penryn and Falmouth, 1832-35; a Lord of the Bedchamber 1834-35; Rep. Peer [I.] 1838-51. He m.,26 Feb. 1821, at the house of Lord Burghersh, in Florence, Harriet Charlotte Beaujolois, 3rd da. of Col. John Campbell, of Shaw- field, by Charlotte Susan Maria,(^) da. of John (Campbell), 5th Duke of Argyll [S.]. She d'. i Feb. 1848, at Naples. He d. 14 July 1851, near London. C) VISCOUNTCY ANDBAR0NY[L] IL EARLDOM [L] IV. 3. Charles William George (Bury), Earl OF Charleville, &?c. [I.], s. and h., l>. 8 Mar. 1822, at Charleville forest; sometime Lieut. ^1851. 43rd Foot. Hem., J Mar. 1850, at All Souls, Langham Place, Marylebone, Arabella Louisa, yst. da. of Henry Case, of Shenstone Moss, CO. Stafford, by his 2nd wife, Elizabeth, da. and coh. of Randle Ford, of Wrexham, co. Denbigh. Shea'. 8 July 1857, at Erina, co. Limerick. He d. 19 Jan. 1859, at Charleville forest, aged 37. VISCOUNTCY ANDBARONY[I.] in. EARLDOM [I.] V. VISCOUNTCY AND BARON Y[I.] IV. 4. Charles William Francis (Bury), Earl of Charleville, ^'c. [I.], s. and h., i. 16 May 1852, at Charleville forest. In 1871

  • ^i859. he passed tor a direct commission in the

Household Brigade. He d. unm., 3 Nov. 1874, at Staten island. New York, aged 22.('=) (*) This lady m., 2ndly, 17 Mar. 1 8 18, the Rev. Edward John Bury, M.A., and is the Lady Charlotte Bury, well known as Lady in Waiting to Queen Caroline (when Princess of Wales), who wrote The Diary of the times of George IV, is'c. She was b. 28 Jan. 1775, at Argyll House, Oxford Str., Marylebone, and d. (almost forgotten) 31 Mar. 1 86 1, in Sloane Str., Chelsea. C") "The greatest bore the world can produce. [His wife is] a very handsome woman, and somewhat loose, but as she is dying of consumption, we will spare her." (T. Creevey, Oct. 1834). V.G. (<^) He disinherited his elder sister, Katherine Arabella Beaujolois, who m. Col. Edmund Bacon Hutton, and d. 3 Feb. 1901, having quarrelled with her about the possession of an heirloom. His younger and only other surviving sister, Emily Alfreda Julia, sue. to the Charleville estate, and m., 20 Sep. 1881, Capt. Kenneth Howard, who by Royal lie. 14 Dec. 1881, took the name of Bury in addition to that of Howard. G.E.C. and V.G,