Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/174

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154 CHAURCES I348),(^) and 2ndly, Margaret (who as his widow, w., before Midsummer, 1373, when both were living, William de Spaigne, of St. Botolph's), and d. v.p. (5) Sir William C.,(^) s. and h., by 2nd wife, having pr. his age, had livery of his grandfather's lands, 13 June 1373; he m. Alice, da. and h. of Sir John Caltofte. (6) Sir Thomas C, their s. and h., m., 2ndly, before 24 Aug. 1449, Isabel (living as his wife 2 Nov. 1452), da., and in her issue h. of Sir Thomas Aylesbury, of Wiverton, Notts, and d. 17 Feb. (1458/9) 37 Hen. VI. (7) Sir William C, their s. and h., m. Elizabeth, da. and coh. of Nicholas Bowett, of Repinghall, by whom he had (8) Thomas C, who 7n. Margaret, da. of John (Talbot), 2nd Earl of Shrewsbury, and d. a lunatic and s.p. (1482-83) 22 Edw. IV, leaving Joan, wife of John Ormond, his sister and h.('^) She d. s.p.m., leaving three daughters, among whose descendants any Barony which may be supposed to have been cr. by the writ of 1299 is in abeyance. i^)'] CHAVENT, CHAUVENT, or CHAMPVENTC) BARONY BY Piers de Chavent, of Rawreth, Essex, and Wapham, WRIT. Northants, called King's Yeoman, i Mar. i252/3,(^) held lands in Sussex 1284-5. -^^ ^^^ engaged in the I. 1299. wars in Gascony 1296-97, and was sum. to Pari. 29 Dec. (1299) 28 Edw. I, by writ directed Petro de Chawuent, whereby he is held to have become LORD CHAVENT.(s) He had previously been among the Barons sum. to Carlisle, cum equis et armis, 26 Sep. 1298, and was also sum. to the Pari, at Lincoln 26 Sep. 1300, though his name does not appear among those who signed the letter to the Pope in 1 30 1. Steward of the Household to Edward I. He m., before 22 Feb. 1295/6, Agnes. He ^. between 14 Aug. 1302 and 29 Mar. 1303. His widow was living 10 June 1303. [John de Chavent, s. and h., aged 30 in 1302, was never sum. to Pari, though frequently cum equis et armis. He had a grant, 20 Jan. 129 1/2, of the marriage of Joan, da. and coh. of Philip Marmion. He alienated Rawreth afsd. 28 Apr. 13 14. He d. shortly before i Mar. 1343/4, leaving a s. and h., John Champvent, who d. 1371, and who left two great-grand- er) Patent Roll. (*>) His will, dat. Wyverton, 16 Dec. 1398, pr. 5 Jan. 1398/9, mentions his wife Alice and s. Thomas. [Test. Ebor., Surtees Soc, vol. i, pp. 247-8). V.G. ('^) Sir George Chaworth, uncle and h. male, of this Thomas, m. Alice, da. and h. of John Annesley, of Annesley, Notts, and was ancestor of the family of Chaworth of Annesley, sometime Viscounts Chaworth [I.]. {'^) These were (i) Joan, m., istly, Thomas Dinan (illegit. s. of John, the last Lord Dinan), by whom she had several children. She m., 2ndly ( — ) FitzWilliam. (2) Elizabeth, ??j. Sir Anthony Babington, by whom she was great-grandmother of Anthony B., attainted temp. Queen Elizabeth. (3) Anne, m. William Mering, of Notts, but d. s.p. {^) Chauvent or Champvent is near Grandson on the Lake of Neuchdtel. V.G. (<) Patent Roll. (e) See note "c" on preceding page.