Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/179

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CHELMSFORD 159 II. 1878. 2. Frederic Augustus (Thesiger), Baron Chelms- ford, s. and h., ^. 21 May 1837; entered the army 1844; Capt. Gren. Guards 1850; medal and clasp for service before Sebastopol 1855; Lieut. Col. 95th Foot 1858; Brevet Col. 1863; served against the mutineers in Central India; Dep. Adjutant Gen. at Bombay 1861 ; Adjutant Gen. to the Abyssinian expedition 1867-68, where he distinguished himself and was favourably mentioned; C.B. 14 Aug. 1868; Aide-de-camp to the Queen 1868-77, and Adjutant Gen. to the Bengal army 1869-74; Major Gen. 1877 (Commission antedated to Nov. 1868); K.C.B. 11 Nov. 1878; Brig. Gen. in command of ist Infantry brigade at Aldershot; Commander of the forces in the Kaffir war 1878, and in the Zulu war 1879; Lieut. Gov. of the Cape of Good Hope 1878-79; G.C.B. 19 Aug. 1879; Lieut. Gen. in the army 1882; Gen. 1888; Lieut, of the Tower of London 1884-89; Col. of the Sherwood Foresters (the old 45th and 95th Foot) 1898-1900; Col. of the 2nd Life Guards, 1900 till his death; G.C.V.O. 9 Nov. 1902. He was a Conservative. He ;«., i Jan. 1867, at Kurrachee, Scinde, Adria Fanny, ist da. of ( — ) Heath, Major Gen. in the Bombay army. He d. suddenly, of aneurism of the heart, while playing billiards at the United Service Club, Pall Mall, 9, and was bur. 13 Apr. 1905, in Brompton Cemetery, in his 68th year.(^) Will pr. 24 May 1905, gross over

^68,ooo, net over ^66,000. His widow was living 19 13.

[Frederic John Napier Thesiger, ist s. and h. ap., b. 12 Aug. 1868, at 7 Eaton Sq.; ed. at Winchester, and at Magd. Coll. Oxford, M.A. 1904; Fellow of All Souls Coll. 1892; Barrister-at-law 1893; member of the London School Board 1900-04; member of L.C.C. 1904-05. Governor of Queensland 1905-09; K.C.M.G. 29 June 1906; Governor of New South Wales since 1909. He ;;;., 27 July 1894, at St. Geo., Han. Sq., Frances Charlotte, ist da. of Ivor (Guest), ist Baron Wimborne, by Cornelia Henrietta Maria, ist da. of John Winston (Churchill), 7th Duke of Marlborough. She was b. 22 Mar. 1869, at 12 Upper Brook Str. Having sue. to the peerage after Jan. 1901, he is, as such, outside the scope of this work.] CHELSEA i.e. "Chelsea, co. Midx." Viscountcy {Cadogan), cr. 1800, with the Earldom of Cadogan, which see. CHENEY see under CHEYNE and CHEYNEY CHEPPING see also CHIPPING (») He was one of the numerous peers who have been directors of public companies, for a list of whom (in 1896) see vol. v, Appendix C.