Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/192

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I 72 CHESTER was, certainly, sum. to Pari, by such title, 5 Aug. 1320. On 2 Sep. 1325, he was cr. Count of Ponthieu and Montreuil, and eight days afterwards, Duke of Aquitaine, in France. Q He also received the Lordship of the Isle of Wight.C') On 25 Jan. 1326/7 he was proclaimed King as Edward III {post conquestum), when all his honours merged in the Crown. (■=) XIV. 1333 Edward,('^) styled "of Woodstock," and popularly to known, though not apparently till the i6th century, as 1376. The Black Prince, ist s. and h. ap. of Edward III, b. 15 June 1330, at Woodstock, was by charter 18 May 1333, cr. EARL OF CHESTER, being invested with the county of Chester and the Castles of Chester, Rhuddlan and Flint "habend. et tenend. eidem filio nro. et heredibus suis Regibus Anglie." On 2 Dec. 1333 he had a grant of Carisbrooke Castle and other manors in the Isle of Wight. On 17 Mar. 1337 he was cr., also with a spec, rem., DUKE OF CORN- WALL ;(*=) on 12 May 1343, Prince of Wales, and on 19 July 1362, Prince of Aquitaine. He d. v.p., 8 June 1376, when (his s. and h. not being s. and h. of the King of England) the Earldom of Chester (as also his other peerage dignities) lapsed to the Crown. See fuller particulars under "Cornwall," Dukedom of, cr. 1337. His creation, by the girding on of the sword, probably preceded very shortly the grant of these counties, but no mention of it is made." [Courthope, sub " Chester "). He is thrice called Earl of Chester in the Feudal Aids for 13 16. (^) " ' Habend. et tenend. sibi et heredibus suis masculis Regibus Anglie seu Regni Anglic heredibus.' The first enrolments of these dignities appear to have been cancelled, the word 'masculis' being omitted, but the subsequent enrolments are of the same date." {Courthope, sub "Chester"). C") See vol. vii, Appendix B. ("=) " It is worthy of observation that Edward III never bore the title of Prince of Wales; the earliest writ of Summons to Parliament in which his name occurs is that of 5 Aug. 1320, then being about eight years of age, wherein he is styled 'Edwardo Comiti Cestrensi filio nostro charissimo,' and by the same designation he vi^as sum. in the 15th, 1 6th, 17th, and i8th of Edw. II. Some writers of authority assert that he was cr. Prince of Wales and Duke of Acquitaine in a Pari, held at York, 15 Edw. II, but not only is no notice of such an occurrence to be found in the Rolls of Parliament, but the assertion is shown to be entirely without foundation, he having been, by the description of Edward, Earl of Chester, cr. Earl of Ponthieu and Monstroile 2 Sep. and Duke of Acquitaine lO Sep. 1325. [In the case of] his father [on the other hand, he] in consequence of his creation to that Principality, was regularly sum. as 'Edwardo, Principi Walliae y Comiti Cestriae, filio suo charissimo,' from 2 June 1302 (when he became eighteen years of age), until [1307, when, as Edward II] he ascended the throne." {Nicolas, sub "Wales," p. 5). ("*) See note "a" on previous page. {") This is the first instance of the creation of a Dukedom in England. See fuller particulars under "Cornwall," Dukedom of, cr. 1337.