Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/212

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192 CHEYNE the adherents of Lambert Simnel at Stoke. P.C. Nom. K.G. at some date before 22 Apr. 1486.Q Constable of Barnard's Castle 15 Mar. 1487/8. He was sum. to Pari, from 22 Sep. (1487) 3 Hen. VII() to 14 Oct. (1495) 1 1 Hen. VII, by writs directed Johanni Cheyney, whereby he is held to have become LORD CHEYNE. He m., in or after 1479, Margaret, widow of William, Lord Stourton, da. and coh. of Sir John Chidiocke, by Katherine, da. of Sir Ralph Lumley. He d. s.p., 30 May 1499, and was bur. in Salisbury Cathedral, when his honours became extinct. CHEYNE, CHEYNEY, or CHENEY (of Toddington) BARONY BY i. Sir Henry Cheney, Cheyne, or Cheyney, of WRIT. Toddington, Beds, 2nd s. of Sir Thomas Cheney (*=) {d. 15 Dec. 1558), of Shurland in the Isle of Sheppey, I. 1572 K.G., Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports, being ist s. to by his 2nd wife, Anne, da. and coh. of Sir John 1587. Broughton, of Toddington afsd., was knighted "by the Queen's own hand," 1563. SheriiF of Beds 1^6^-66; M.P. for Kent 1562-67, and for Beds Apr. to May 1572. He was sum. to Pari, from 8 May (1572) 14 Eliz. to 15 Sep. (1586) 28 Eliz.,('^) by writs directed Henrico Cheney^ and sometimes Henrico Cheyney de Toddington Ch'r, whereby he is held to have become LORD CHENEY (of Tod- dington). He, in Oct. 1586, was one of the Peers on the trial of Mary, (^) For an account of the robes given to him and others in 1489 by the King, see vol. ii, p. 545, note " b." (^) The wrrits for this Pari., which met 9 Nov., issued on I Sep., but the warrant for the writs to Sir John Cheyney and to Sir Thomas Burgh (see vol. ii, p. 422, note "b") did not issue till 22 Sep. 1487. Although these two writs were apparently enrolled on the Close Rolls 3 weeks before the warrant for them issued, it is clear that they were in fact added to the original list of writs after the receipt of the warrant at the Chancery, i.e., about 29 Sep. Sir Henry Maxwrell Lyte, who has specially inves- tigated these cases, writes: — " When the King ordered that certain new persons should be summoned shortly after the issue of the main set of writs, the clerks in the Chancery did not always take the trouble of making a separate record with the real date, but often contented themselves with adding the new names at the end of the list of persons originally summoned." V.G. if) This Sir Thomas was nephew and h. of John, Lord Cheney (1487-99), being s. and h. of William C, Constable of Queenborough Castle, next br. to the said John. John Cheney, 1st s., by his 1st wife, of this Sir Thomas Cheney, d. s.p., being slain at Mutterd. () In Dugdale's Summonses it is stated, in two fabricated lists of the men sum. to the Paris, which first met on 15 Feb. (1587) 29 Eliz., and 4 Feb. (1589) 31 Eliz., that writs were addressed " Thomee Cheney de Todington, Chl'r." There are so many errors and fictions in that work that its authority is now totally discredited. See Introduction to vol. ii, ante. V.G.