Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/219

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CHICHESTER 199 Ent. He d. 8 July 1648, and was bur., with his ist wife, at Eggesford. M.I.O Admon. 27 Sep. 1648. VISCOUNTCY [I.] II. BARONY [I.] III. 2. Arthur (Chichester), Earl of Done- gall (so cr. 1647), Viscount Chichester of Carrickfergus, and Baron Chichester of ^648. Belfast [I.], s. and h. by ist wife, who in his father's lifetime had, 30 Mar. 1647, been cr. Earl OF Donegall. See "Donegall," Earl- dom of [I.], cr. 1647. CHINKANG-FOO i.e. "Gough of Chink.ang-foo, in China, &'c." Barony (J2ough cr. 1846; see "Gough of Goojerat," Viscountcy, cr. 1849. CHIPPING see also CHEPPING CHIPPING-WYCOMBE i.e. "Lord Wycombe, Baron of Chipping- Wycombe,() co. Bucking- ham" (Fitzmaurice-Petty), Barony, cr. 1760. See "Shelburne," Earldom of [I.], cr. i']S2)i under the ist Earl. i.e. "Earl Wycombe of Chipping- Wycombe,() co. Buckingham" {Fitzmaurice-Petty), Earldom, cr. 1784 with the Marquessate of Lans- DowNE, which see. CHIRBURY See "Herbert of Chirbury, co. Salop," Barony (Herbert), cr. 1629; extinct 1691. See "Herbert of Chirbury, co. Salop," Barony (Herbert), cr. 1694; extinct 1738. {^) "A noble monument prepared by himself, but finished by his son " (the Earl ot Donegall), who in the concluding lines thus (poetically?) commemorates his uncle's, his father's and his own peerages, viz.: "Fam'd Arthur — Ireland's dread in arms; in peace Her tut'lar genius — Be/fast's honours won; Edward and Anne — blest pair! begot increase Of lands and honours. Viscount was grafted on; Next, Arthur, in God's cause and King's, stak'd all. And had, to's honour, added Donegall." He was " well accomplished both for war and peace, and very serviceable in the wars of Ireland." C') Spelt " Cheping Wycombe " in the patent.