Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/22

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2 CANTERBURY 1 827-34. G.C.B. 3 1 Aug. 1833.0 Three weeks after his rejection for the Speakership he was cr., 10 Mar. 1835, BARON BOTTESFORD OF BOTTESFORD, co. Leicester, and VISCOUNT CANTERBURY of the city of Canterbury. He m., istly, 8 July 181 1, at Lambeth Palace, Surrey (spec, lie), Lucy Maria Charlotte, ist da. of John Denison, of Ossington, Notts, by his ist wife, Maria Charlotte, da. of John Horlock, of Ashwick, CO. Gloucester. She d. 7 Dec. 18 15, at Ossington. He m., 2ndly, 6 Dec. 1828, at St. Geo., Han. Sq., Ellen, widow of John Home Purves, da. of Edmund Power, of Curragheen and Clonea, co. Waterford, by Ellen, da. of Edmund Sheehy, co. Tipperary. He d. 21 July 1845, at Southwick Crescent, Paddington, of apoplexy, and was bur. at Addington, aged 65. C") Will pr. 16 Feb. 1846. His widow d. s.p.m.s.^ 16 Nov. 1845, '^^ Clifton, CO. Gloucester, aged 54, and was bur. there. Will dat. Oct. 1845, pr. Jan. 1846. n. 1845. 2- Charles John (Manners-Sutton), Viscount Canterbury, ^c, s. and h., by ist wife, b. 17, and bap. 22 Apr. 1 8 1 2, registered 20 July at Lambeth chapel; ed. at Eton. A Con- servative. He d. unm., 13 Nov. 1869, in Chesterfield Str., Mayfair, Midx., aged 57. Admon. 29 Nov. 1869, under;^2,ooo. in. 1869. 3. John Henry Thomas (Manners-Sutton), Viscount Canterbury, fePc, only br. and h., b. in Downing Str., 27 May, and /J"^/). 8 June 18 14, reg. 3 Aug. at Lambeth chapel; ed. at Eton, and atTrin. Coll. Cambridge; M.A., 1835. Registrar of the Court of Faculties of the Archbishop of Canterbury 1834 till his death. He was M.P. (Conserva- tive) for Cambridge, i839-40,(') and 1841-47; Under Sec. of State for Home, 1841-46; Lieut. Gov. of New Brunswick, 1854-61; Gov. and Com. in Chief of Trinidad, 1864-66; Gov. and Com. in Chief of Victoria, 1866-73. K.C.B. 23 June 1866, G.C.M.G. 25 June 1873. He;«., 5 July 1838, at Great W^itchingham, Georgiana, da. of Charles Tompson, of Witchingham Hall, Norfolk, by Juliana, da. of Thomas Kett, of Seething Hall, in that CO. He d. 24 June 1877, at 12 Queensberry Place, South Kensington, aged 63. Will pr. 26 Sep. 1877, under;^40,ooo. His widow d. 14 Sep. (^) This distinction was at the express desire of the King; the Order of the Bath had not been conferred on any of his predecessors in the Office of Speaker, excepting Sir Spencer Compton. In 1834, after the destruction of his official residence, to- gether with the Houses of Parhament, by fire, he brought an action against the Crown claiming;^! 0,000 for loss occasioned by negligence of Crown servants, but he did not succeed. See 8tate Trials, N.S., p. 768. G.E.C. and V.G. (•>) He is described as having "a commanding presence, sonorous voice, and imper- turbable temper," and as being particularly efficient in dealing with the private busi- ness of the House of Commons. V.G. ("=) Really a Peelite, becoming later in life, like many of Peel's followers, a Liberal. V.G.