Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/236

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2i6 CLANCARTY II. 1665. 2. Charles James (Maccarty), Earl OF Clancarty, £ffc. [I.], grandson and h., being only s. and h. of Charles (Maccarty), Viscount Muskerry, by Margaret, his wife, abovenamed. He, who was ward of the Duke of Ormonde, d. an infant, 22 Sep. 1666, in the CO. of Kent. Admon. 15 Feb. 1666/7, to his mother.^) III. 1666. 3. CallaghanC*) (Maccarty), Earl of Clancarty, ^c. [I.], uncle and h., being 2nd s. of the ist Earl. He was formerly a monk in France, but, on his accession to the title, conformed to the established religion, though he d. "out of the communion of the Church of England." He m. Elizabeth, da. of George (FitzGerald), Earl of Kildare [I.], by Joan, da. of Richard (Boyle), ist Earl of Cork [I.]. He d. 21 Nov. 1676. His widow w., 17 June 1682, at Dublin, Sir William Davis, Chief Justice of the King's Bench [!.],() who d. 24 Sep. 1687. She d. in Dublin, and was bur. 15 Feb. 1697/8, at St. Martin's-in- the-Fields.(^) "Will dat. 4 to 5 Feb. 1697/8, pr. 12 May 1698, and 20 June 1700. IV. 1676 4. DoNOGH (Maccarty), Earl of Clancarty [1658], to Viscount Muskerry and Baron Blarney [1628] in the 1 69 1. peerage of Ireland, only s. and h.(^) Though under age he, by royal dispensation, sat in the House of Lords [I.] in May 1689.0 ^^ ^^^ Lord of the Bedchamber to James II in Ireland 1689, whose cause he zealously espoused, being in command of a regt. of (*) See a petition of his half-brother, John Villiers, dated 6 May 1 702. " Charles James late Earl Clancarty and Frances Maccarty his sister were entitled under the will of the late Viscount Muskerry, their father, to a debt of ;^20,ooo . . . Charles James Earl Clancarty and his wife [i/V, but clearly a slip of the pen for siiter died without issue, and their mother, then Margaret, Viscountess Muskerry, the relict of Charles, Viscount Muskerry, administered to them in the Prerogative Court of Armagh. Margaret, Viscountess Muskerry, subsequently married Robert, Viscount Purbeck, Petitioner's father. Lady Purbeck died in 1698 . . . After her death, Petitioner, as brother of the half blood and next of kin to Charles James, Earl of Clancarty, and Frances Maccarty, procured letters of administration." {Hist. MSS. Com., House of Lords MSS., vol. V, N.S., p. 34). V.G. (^) In the Irish State Papers his Christian name is given as Kelme [? Kenelm]. V.G. ('^) " My Lady Clancarty and my Lord Chief Justice seem hitherto the happiest couple in the world." (Letter of Sir John Temple to the Duke of Ormonde, 24 June 1682). V.G. {^) "She contracted her sickness by a deep melancholy for the condition of her son and family." (Vernon to the Duke of Shrewsbury). V.G. (') The Duke of Ormonde writes, 13 Jan. 1682/3, "^ had not long since a letter from the little Earl of Clancarty desiring my leave to choose me for his guardian, being as he supposes, shortly of age to do it." V.G. For a list of peers present in, and absent from, this Pari., see Appendix D to this volume.