Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/24

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4 CANVILLE become LORD CANVILLE or CAMVILLE.(^) He »;., istly, Maud, widow of Nicholas Martin (s. and h. ap. of Nicholas fitz Martin, of Cemais or Kernes, co. Pembroke, and Blagdon, Somerset), da. of Guy de Brian, of Laugharne, co. Carmarthen, by Eve (to whom she was h.), da. and h. of Henry de Tracy, of Barnstaple, Devon. The King took his homage and they had livery of the lands of her grandfather, the said Henry de Tracy, 24 Sep. 1274. (*>) She, who was b. 25 Dec. 1242, ("=) d. before Michaelmas I279.("^) He »?., 2ndly, Joan.(*) He d. shortly before 21 Sep. 1308.0 His widow had livery of her inheritance in Ireland, 26 Oct. 1308.0 II. 1308 2. William de Camville, of Clifton Campville, to Llanstephan, Fedamore, and Caher,(^) s. and h., aged 40 1338. and more at his father's death. He did homage and had livery of his inheritance, 3 Jan. 1308/9.0 He was sum. for Military Service from 30 July (1309) 3 Edw. II to 28 July (1317) II Edw. II, and to Pari. 4 Mar. (1308/9) 2 Edw. II and 16 June (13 11) 4 Edw. II, by writs directed Willelmo de Camvilla or Caumvilla. He d. shortly before 27 July i338.() He left 5 daughters and coheirs, (i) Maud, widow of Richard de Vernoun (s. and h. ap. of Richard de Vernoun, of Haddon, co. Derby); {'■) As to the writs of 1294 and 1296/7, see Preface, and as to how far these early writs of summons did in fact create any peerage dignity, see Appendix A in the last volume. V.G. () Fine Roll, 2 Edw. I, m. 10. On the Pipe Roll, 43 Hen. Ill, m. 6 d, the words "Galfr' de Caunvile q' h't in ux'em hered' " interlined before " Henr' de Trascy de xxviij feod' etc." were certainly added at a later date. They have misled Dugdale. if) Ch. Inq. p. m. (on Henry de Tracy), Edw. I, file 6, no. 6. But she was probably h. before this date, as her 1st s., William Martin, is described as 25 and more in Mar. 1281/2 (Ch. Inq. p. m., Edw. I, file 32, no. i). (f) " Matiir quondam uxoris sue [Galfridi de Caunvile] " {Coram Rege, Mich. 7-8 Edw. I, m. 7). (^) Close Roll [I.], 2 Edw. II, d., nos. 208, 396. (') Fine Roll, 2 Edw. II, w. 14: Ch. Inq. p. m., Edw. II, file 10, no. 12. Writ oi diem cl. ext. [I.] 20 Oct. 1 308 [Close Roll [I.], 2 Edw. II, d., no. 199). (8) Fine Roll, 2 Edw. II, m. 10. C") " Willelmus de Caumpvilla." Writ of diem cl. ext. to the Justice of South Wales, 27 July I2 Edw. III. Inq., Carmarthen, 29 Aug. 1338. "... predicte Matild' [que fuit uxor Ricardi de Vernoun] et Alianora et Isabella uxor Gilberti de Burmyngham et Nicholaa uxor Johannis de seynt Cler' et Katerina uxor Roberti de Grisseleye sunt filie ejusdem Willelmi et propinquiores ejus heredes et sunt etatis triginta annorum et amplius." (Ch. Inq. p. m., Edw. Ill, file 53, no. 5).