Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/249

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CLANRICARDE 229 the designation of " fVtllicus Boruck, alias Makwilliamy (^) He »;., istly, Grace, or Grany, widow of ( — ) MacCoghlan, da. of Maolrona O'Carroll, " Prince of Ely," from whom he was separated. C") He m., 2ndly, Honora, sister of Sir Ulick Bourke afsd., da. of Rickard Oge MacWilliam, of Clanrickard (who d. 15 19), from whom also he was separated. C") He w., 3rdly (his ist wife still living), Maria Lynch. ("=) He d. (shortly after his elevation to the Earldom), 19 Oct. 1544. His widow ;«. Piers Martin, of Galway. Her s. by the Earl, John Bourke, claimed the Earldom in 1568. II. 1544. 2. Richard (Bourke, otherwise DE Burgh), Earl OF Clanricarde, {ffc. [I.], s. and h., being only s. of the ist marriage. He was under age 16 Sep. 1548. His legitimacy was disputed, on the ground that his mother was the wife of one ( — ) O'Melaghlin, at the time of his birth, by John, his br. by his father's 3rd wife, but was finally established. ('^) He was called by the Irish '■^ Sassanagh, i.e. the Englishman, having in 1548, 1552, and 1553 assisted the English against the Irish rebels, and having been established by them as Chief, and not elected by the clan. On 22 June 1559, he received a confirmation of his Earldom and Barony from the Queen, and sat, as an Earl, in her ist Pari. [I.]. He ;«., istly, in 1548, Margaret, da. of Murrough (O'Brien), ist E.'V.RL OF Thomond [1.], by Eleanor, da. of Thomas FitzGerald, the Knight of Glyn. He complained that she worked witchcraft against him. He also had an impediment found by an ecclesiastical Court, and divorced her.('^) He «., 2ndly, 24 Nov. 1553, Margaret, da. of Donough (O'Brien), 2nd Earl OF Thomond, by Helen, da. of Piers (Butler), Earl of Ormond and OssoRY. She d. in I568.(') He m., 3rdly, in 1568, Gille or Cecilia, widow de Burgh otherwise MacWilliam; the Earldom of Thomond (Barony of Inchiquin), and Barony of Ibrackan, conferred respectively, also I July I 543, on Murrough O'Brien, and on his nephew Donough O'Brien; the Earldom of Clancare, in 1565, on the Maccarty More; and the Earldom of Tyrconnel, in 1603, on Rory O'Donnell. The Anglo- Irish, also, were by Henry VIII liberally ennobled; the family of Buder receiving the Baronies of Dunboyne and Cahir; the family of Plunket, those of Dunsany and Louth; the family of Fitzpatrick, that of Upper Ossory, the family of Bermingham that of Carbery, is'c. (*) Creations, 1483-1646, in App., 47th Rep., D.K. Pub. Records. (*■) See the latter part of note "a" on next page. V.G. {') See O'Donoughue's O'Briens, i860, p. 189, as to the marriages of this Earl and the legitimacy of his issue. He left at least three illegit. sons, of whom Thomas, called " the Athlete," was elected, by the clan, Chief of Clanrickard, on the death of his father, but was deposed and shot in 1545, when the Govt, appointed the afore- said Sir Ulick Bourke "Captain of Clanrickard," pending the decision as to the 2nd Earl's legitimacy. (^) The proceedings are enrolled 22 Eliz. {') She surv. his other wives. On 15 Feb. 1559, he petitioned that his s. by her should succeed him in spite of the mother's divorce. V.G. She left 3 sons and a daughter. Her eldest s., John Bourke, claimed the Earldom of Clanricarde, and was cr. Baron of Leitrim in 1582. V.G.