Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/255

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CLANRICARDE 235 in Oct. 1684, Mary, da. of James Talbot, of Templeogue, co. Dublin, and Mount Talbot, co. Roscommon, by Bridget, da. of Francis (Bermingham), Lord Athenry [I.]. She d. 27 June 171 1, and was bur. at Meelick Abbey, CO. Galway. He d. 17 Oct. 1722, aged 82. Admon. 16 Nov. 1734 to the Hon. Thomas Bourke, the son. X. 1722. 10. Michael (Bourke), Earl of Clanricarde, 67'c. [I.], s. and h. He was cd. at Eton ; matric. at Oxford (Ch. Ch.) 25 Nov. 1702, being then aged 16. He conformed to the established Church. On 3 Aug. 171 1 he was sum. to the House of Lords [L], v.p., in his father's Barony ^ as BARON DUNKELLIN [I.], and took his seat 4 Oct. following. Gov. of Galway, 171 2. Took his seat as an Earl [I.] 19 Oct. 1725; P.C. [I.] 15 July 1726. He /»., 19 Sep. 17 14, AnnejC') widow of Hugh Parker, of Honington, co. Warwick, 2nd of the 2 daughters and coheirs of John Smith, (■=) of Beaufort buildings, Lon- don, Commissioner of Excise. The Earl d. in Dublin, 29 Nov., and was bur. I Dec. 1726, at Christ Church there. Will pr. 1728. His widow d. in Pall Mall, Midx., i, and was bur. 7 Jan. 1732/3, in Westm. Abbey, aged 46, or, as in her M.I., in her 49th year. Will dat. 2 Aug. 1732, pr. 16 Feb. 1732/3. XL 1726. II. John Smith (Bourke, afterwards de Burgh), Earl of Clanricarde, ^c. [L], 2nd but ist surv. s. and h.,(*^) b. II Nov. 1720. Ed. at Winchester. Took his seat in the House of Lords [L], 12 Jan. 1743. By royal lie, 13 May 1752, he adopted the patronymic of D^ Burgh, in lieu oi Bourke. i^') F.R.S. 8 Feb. 1753; F.S.A. of his estate "about 4 years ago" whereby "his wife and their nine infant children were exposed to the utmost and lowest want." He also mentions that he had "sent his two eldest sons to be educated in the Protestant Religion at Eton College." The above facts are confirmed by a report of the Irish Commissioners. V.G. (^) He was one of the few persons (nine in all) who were so summoned. See, ante, vol. i, p. 2, note "c." C') "Lord Dunkellin is going to be married to one Mrs. Parker, a widow, she has been so but a year and a half, she has seven children and used to be a coquette with great spirit ; but now I will tell you the good part, she has ;{^8oo a year, and a house and fji'^fiOO in money, her father is very rich ... he is called Portland Smith." (Letter of Countess Ferrers, Hht. MSS. Com., nth Rep., App., pt. iv, p. 227). V.G. {") See note to his burial, 20 July 17 18, and to that of his da. abovenamed, in Col. Chester's JFestm. Abbey Registers. By some strange blunder his da. is generally called da. of John Smith, of Tedworth, Wilts, Speaker of the House of Commons. if) His elder br. d. 2^ Dec. 1 7 1 9, in his 4th year, and was bur. 24 Jan. 1 7 1 9/20, with his maternal grandfather, in Westm. Abbey, as "the Hon. John Burke, Esq." (=) At the same time [his uncles] "Ulick Bourke of London" and "Thomas Bourke of Ireland" were likewise so authorised. Both of these, however, d. s.p.m., the former on 4 Dec. 1762, and the latter in July 1763. His name appears in the Lords' entries and on Ulster's Rolls as "Smith Burke" until 1771, and thenceforward as "John Smith de Burgh."