Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/261

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VISCOUNTCY [I.] IV. BARONY [U.K.] II. CLANWILLIAM 241 EARLDOM "I 4 and 2. Richard James (Meade), Earl AND OF Clanwilliam [I. 1776], Viscount Clan- WILLIAM AND BaRON GiLLFORD [I. I 786], alsO . Baron Clanwilliam [U.K. 1828], and a '9' Baronet [I. 1703], ist s. and h., b. 3 Oct. 1832; entered the Royal Navy, 1845; Lieut. 1852, serving in the War with Russia on the Baltic, 1854-55; Commander, 1858; Capt., 1859; naval A.D.C. to the Queen, 1872-76; a Lord of the Admiralty, 1874-80; Rear Adm. 1876, being severely wounded in the assault on Canton in 1877, during the Chinese war; Vice Adm. 1881, being Com. in Chief on the North American and West Indian Station, 1885-86; Adm. 1886; Com.-in-Chief at Portsmouth 1891-94; Adm. of the Fleet 1895. C.B. 2 June 1877; K.C.M.G. 3 Mar. 1882; K.C.B. 21 June 1887; G.C.B. 25 May 1895. A Conservative in politics. He m.^ 17 June 1867, at St. Geo., Han. Sq., Elizabeth Henrietta, 1st da. of Sir Arthur Edward Kennedy, K.C.M.G., Gov. of Queensland, by Georgina Mildred, da. of Joseph Macartney, of Hollywood House, CO. Down. He d. at Badgemore, Henley on Thames, of pneumonia, 4, and was bur. 8 Aug. 1907, at Wilton, aged nearly 75.() M.I. St. Peter's, Eaton Sq. He was sue. by his 2nd s., who is outside the scope of this work. His widow was living 1912. [Richard Charles Meade, j/jy/^^ Lord Gillford, ist s. and h. ap., b. 10 June 1868; entered the Royal Navy, 1881. He w., 5 Sep. 1895, at the chapel of Douglas Castle, co. Lanark, Mary Elizabeth Margaret, ist da. of Charles Alexander (Douglas-Home), I2th Earl of Home [S.], by Maria, da. of Charles Conrad Grey, Capt. R.N. She was b. 12 Nov. 1871. He d. v.p. and s.p.m.,(^) of consumption, at Whelprigg, Kirkby Lonsdale, 1 4, and was bur. 19 Oct. 1905, at Torpenhow, Aspatria, Cumberland, aged 37.] Family Estates. — These, in 1883, consisted of 3,584 acres in co. Down, worth ;£4,305 a year. Principal Residence. — Gill Hall, near Dromore, co. Down. (") " He affected the tight, very short jacket, which — forty years ago — was thought the sign of the true British sailor; and a certain roughness of manner, which was at times rather puzzHng to his subordinates. Throughout his Hfe, he was before everything a sailor . . . and probably valued his rank as an admiral much more than his titles as Irish earl or English baron." {Times, 5 Aug. 1907). V.G. (*>) His next br., Arthur Vesey Meade (the present [191 2] Earl), then assumed the fancy title of "Lord Dromore," which did not belong to his father nor to any one else. See vol. iv, Appendix E for some remarks on courtesy titles. V.G. 31