Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/280

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26o CLARENCE under a magnificent monument to herself and her two husbands. Inq.p. ;»., Devon, i8 Hen. VI (1439-40). III. 1461 George Plantagenet, 6th but 3rd surv. s. of Richard, to Duke of York, by Cicely, da. of Ralph (Nevill), Earl 1478. of Westmorland, was b. 11 Oct. 1449, in Dublin Castle, and bap. in the Church of St. Saviour. Nom. K.G. 1 46 1. On 28 June 1461 he was cr. DUKE OF CLARENCE.(^) K.B., 27 June 1461. Chief Gov. of Ireland, Feb. 1461/2 to Mar. 1469/70, and again 1472. For the better support of his new dignities, the King, by letters patent, 20 Sep. 1462, granted to him, "com. honorem et dnium nrm. Richmondie que quidem com. honorem et dnium Edmundus Hadham nup. comes Richemondie nup. h'uit et tenuit."() He joined his father- in-law, the Earl of Warwick and Salisbury, in the rebellion against the King (his brother) in favour of the deposed King, Henry VI, but, changing sides, assisted in King Edward's victory at Barnet, 14 Apr. 147 1. In this battle his wife's father was slain, whereupon he, "in consideration of that his marriage," was, by separate patents, each dat. 25 Mar. 147 1/2, cr. Earl OF Warwick and Earl of Salisbury. On 20 May following he was made Great Chamberlain of England. He took part with the King in his expedition against France, 1474-75, and signed the treaty of peace, 13 Aug. 1475. (") He m., 11 July 1469, at Calais, Isabel, ist da. and coh. presumptive of Richard (Nevill), Earl of Warwick and Salisbury, by Anne, da. of Richard (Beauchamp), Earl of Warwick. She, who was b. 5 Sep. 1 45 1, at Warwick Castle, d. there 22 Dec. 1476, and was bur. at Tewkesbury. () He thereupon proposed to marry Mary, da. of (*) He was cr. Duke of Clarence at the same time that his yr. br., Richard, was cr. Duke of Gloucester, which was done " cingendo sibi gladium ac per apposicionem cappe capiti suo." This took place in London on St. Peter's Day (Sunday, 28 June) 1461. [Issue Rolls, Easter 2 Edw. IV, w. 3). He was first sum. to Pari, as Duke of Clarence, 28 Feb. 1466/7. V.G. () He appears to have thenceforth styled himself (after his Peerage title) " Dominus de Richemond [i.e. Lord of the Honour of Richmond] et magnus Camerarius Anglie." (^) "The King being in his field beside a village called Seyncre, within Ver- mondose, a little from Peron, there being with him his brothers the Dukes of Clarence and Gloucester, the Dukes of Norfolk and Suffolk, the Marquis of Dorset, the Earls of Northumberland, Rivers, and Pembroke, the Lords Grey Ruthin, Scrope [of Bolton], Grey [of] Codnor, Stanley, Hastynges, Ferrers, and Howard, the Earl Douglas, the Lord Lisle." Also Sir Thomas Burgh, afterwards, 1487, ist Lord Burgh. V.G. {^) Ankarette Twynho, formerly a servant of the Duchess, was seized by the