Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/296

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276 CLAVERING in obtaining a dispensation, or to avoid the fine which she would have had to pay on marriage), Sir James Audley (cousin of her ist husband), by whom she was mother of the celebrated Sir James Audley, K.G., the hero of Poitiers. She m., 3rdly, Sir Robert de Benhale, who was sum. to Pari. 3 Apr. 1360, but never after, and who survived her. She d. about 1369 {Inq.p. m. (1370-71) 45 Edw. Ill), and was bur. (as were her three husbands and Sir James A.) at Langley Abbey, Norfolk:.(^) No right to any Barony of Clavering or FitzRoger appears to have been considered as vesting in this lady.] CLEMENTS OF KILMACRENAN BARONY. I. Nathaniel (Clements), Earl OF Leitrim [I.], was, 20 June 1 831, cr. BARON CLEMENTS OF KIL- I. 1 83 1. MACRENAN, CO. Donegal. See "Leitrim," Earldom of [I.], cr. 1795. CLENAWLEY see GLENAWLEY CLERMONT (Scotland) i.e. " Clermont and Fettercairn," Barony [S.] {Middleton)^ cr. i Oct. 1660 with the Earldom of Middleton [S.], which %t& forfeited 1695. CLERMONT (Ireland) I. William Henry Fortescue, s. and h. of Thomas F., of Randalstown (afterwards Clermont Park), CO. Louth {d. Feb. 1769), by Elizabeth, sister of James, Earl of Clanbrassill [I.], da. of James Hamilton, ofTollymore, was b. 5 Aug. 1722; M.P. for CO. Louth, 1 745-6 1 , and for Monaghan (borough), 1761-70; being elected also for co. Louth 1761, and for Dundalk 1768; Sheriffof co. Louth, 1746; LL.D. Dublin honoris causd 1754; P.C. [1.], 5 May 1755; Post Master Gen. [I.], 1764-84. On 26 May 1770, he was cr. BARON CLERMONTC") of Clermont, CO. Louth [I.], taking his seat 23 Nov. 1 773. Gov. of CO. Monaghan 1775 till his death, being Custos Rot. of that CO. 1 775-1 805. On 23 July i']']6,() he was cr. VISCOUNT and BARON CLERMONT, of Clermont, co. Louth [I.], with a spec. rem. failing his issue male, to his br., James Fortescue, and finally, (^) See Coll. Top. et Gen., vol. vii, p. 51, and note "r " on p. 52 ibid. (°) There seems no other explanation for the title he selected than that it is a high sounding one, for there is no such place in Ireland other than his seat 01 Reynoldstown, or Randalstown, the name of which he himself changed to Clermont. V.G. {^) For the profuse creations in the Irish Peerage at this date, see Appendix H to this volume. BARONY [I.] I. 1770 to 1806. VISCOUNTCY AND BARONY [I.] 1. 1776. EARLDOM [I.] I. 1777 to 1806.