Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/33

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CARDIGAN 13 CARDIFF OF CARDIFF CASTLE BARONY. I. John Stuart, ^^ commonly called Lord Mount I ^ Stuart," s. and h. ap. of John, Earl of Bute [S.], was, ^' ^770- ^.^.^ cr. 20 May 1776, BARON CARDIFF OF CAR- DIFF CASTLE.(*) On i Mar. 1796, he was cr. MARQUESS OF BUTE. See "Bute," Marquessate of, cr. 1796. CARDIGAN (county of) EARLDOM. I. Thomas Brudenell, s. and h. of Robert Brude- . ,^ NELL, of Doddington, co. Huntingdon, by Catherine, da. and h. of Geoffrey Taylarde (s. and h. ap. of Sir Laurence T. of the same), which Robert was 4th and yst., but the only s. that left male issue, of Sir Thomas Brudenell, of Deene, Northants. He sue. his father 4 July 1599, and his uncle, John B. (in the estate of Deene), 16 Oct. 1606. On 29 June 161 1, he was cr. a Baronet (a month after the institution of that order), and was subsequently, 9 Apr. 161 2, knighted at Whitehall. On 26 Feb. 1627/8, he was cr. BARON BRUDENELL OF STONTON, CO. Leicester. () He was a zealous loyalist, suffering much in the Royal cause, for which he was imprisoned in the Tower of London. ("=) At the Restoration he was cr., 20 Apr. 1661, EARL OF CARDIGAN.(<*) He m., in or before 1607, Mary, da. of Sir Thomas Tresham, of Rushton, Northants, by Muriel, da. of Sir Robert Throckmorton, of Coughton, co. Warwick. He d. 16 Sep. 1663, aged 80 and upwards, at Deene, and was bur. there. His widow d. 13 Oct. 1664. II. 1663. 2. Robert (Brudenell), Earl of Cardigan, fcPc., s. and h., b. 5 Mar. 1607. He became a Rom. Cath. He m., istly, Mary, da. of Henry (Constable), ist Viscount Dunbar [S.], (^) This was the 3rd of 10 Baronies [U.K.] all cr. on the same day, for a list of which see note sub in Baron Foley ; and for the more famous case of the 1 2 Baronies cr. in 1712, see vol. i, p. 61, note " d," and vol. ii, p. 28, note "b." C") For this creation he paid ;^5,000 cash to the Duke of Buckingham in March 1628, undertaking to pay another ;^i,000 in May 1629. {Cal. S.P. Dom., vol. xxxviii, p. 273). V.G. (<^) " During his confinement in the Tower he spent his leisure hours in making abstracts and other collections from the several records there deposited, great part of which are now in the library of the present Earl of Cardigan at Dean." {Collins, vol. iii, p. 495). , -r , , {^) For an account of the ceremonies attending this creation see note sub Ldward, Earl of Clarendon [1661]. The warrant of Chades I for the Earldom is dat. Newport, 21 Oct. 1648, and there exists further a declaration by Walter Montagu, of the same date, to the effect that " His Majesty being in pressing necessity writ to the Lord Brudenell that if he would supply him with ;Ci,000 he would make him Earl of Cardigan, whereupon there was advanced ;ri,000 for his Majesty's service." {Hist. MSS. Com., Buccleuch MSS., vol. i, p. 310). V.G.