Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/335

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CLINTON 315 (lie. 24 Dec. 1398), Sir John Russell. She d. s.p., 1423, atter i Sep., and was ^«r. at Haversham.(') Inq. p. m. (1423-24) 2 Hen. VI. IV. 1398. 4. William (de Clinton), Lord Clinton, grandson and h., being s. and h. of Sir William de Clinton (by, as is said, Elizabeth, da. of William, Lord DEiNCouRT),vho was s.and h.ap. of the last Lord, by his ist wife, but d. zp., 25 Oct. 1383, leaving his said s. and h., then aged 5. He was sum. to Pari, from 19 Aug. (1399) 23 Ric. II to 27 Nov. (1430) 9 Hen. Vl.^") Having, in 1399, sue- to some of the lands of the family of Say, in right of his grandmother abovenamed, he assumed the style of Lord Say, to which Barony he was a codv.(f) He m., istly, Anne, da. of Sir Thomas Trivett, by Elizabeth, da. of Sir Philip Limbury. He «;., 2ndlv, between 13 Aug. (when he had lie.) and Nov. 1409, Alice or Anne, widow of Fulk FitzWarin (who d. a minor 31 Oct. 1407), da. of William (Botreaux), Lord Botreaux, by Elizabeth, da. of Sir John St. Lo. She d. 17 Oct. 1420. He ;«., 3rdly, Mary, widow of Sir Henry Retford, of Carlton Paynel, and of Castlethorpe, eo. Lincoln. He d. 30 July (or 20 Aug.) 1431. His widow (who occurs as such 7 Jan. 1431/2) w., 3rdly, Sir John Heron, of Northumberland. She d. 2 Feb. 1458/9. V. 1432. 5. John (de Clinton), Lord Clinton, s. and h., h. 141 o, aged 2 2 at his father's death. He alienated the castle and manor of Maxstoke. Serving in the war with France in 1441, he was taken prisoner and detained more than 6 years, when he was ran- somed for 6,000 marks. He was sum. to Pari. 4 Sep. (1450) 29 Hen. VI to 30 July (1460) 38 Hen. VI. C") His kinsman, Sir James Fiennes, having been sum. to Pari, in 1447 as Lord Say and Sele, he (Lord Clinton) being (together with Roger Fiennes, eldest br. of the said James) one of the coheirs of the Barony of Say (cr. 13 13) confirmed by deed, i Nov. 1448, to the said James, "the name and st)-le of Lord Say, relinquishing all interest therein for himself and his heirs. "C^) In 1459 he joined the Yorkist part}-, and was attainted in the Pari, held at Coventry, but restored in 1461 (*) An engraving of her seal " sigill dne Elizabethe de Clinton " is in Lipscomb's Bucks (vol. iv, 187), and represents a shield divided into 5 parts palewise, the centre containing the arms of De la Plaunche, the 2 earlier husbands being on the dexter and the two later ones on the sinister side. C") There is proof in the Rolls of Pari, of his sitting. (') In Patent Roll 16 Feb. 1 408/9, he is called Diminus de Clynton et Say, and also in a grant on the Close Roll (1 4.26-2-/) 5 Hen. VI, m. isd; but in Patent Roll 2 July (1414) 2 Hen. V, he is called "William Clynton Knt. otherwise William Lord of Clynton." His grandmother was the eldest of the three daughters (whose issue became such coheirs), and this seniority was at that time considered by many, as actually entitlins such coheir to the Barony. See also note " b " on following page. G.E.C. and V.G.^ ("^) This attempt to bar the right of peerage would doubtless now be futile. The grant too is remarkable, as being made to one who was not himself (though his brother was) even a coh. of the dignity in question. G.E.C. In spite of this deed, the