Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/350

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330 BARONY [I.] III. CLONCURRY 3 and 2. Edward (Lawless), Baron Clon- cuRRY [I. and U.K.], 2nd but ist surv. s.,(*) jSr-). being ist s. and h. by 2nd wife, b. 13 Sep. 1 8 1 6, at Lyons Castle, co. Kildare. Sheriff of CO. Kildare 1838, and of co. Dublin 1846. He was a Conservative. He w., 17 Sep. 1839, at Lyons afsd. Elizabeth, da. and h. of John Kirwan, of Castle Hacket, co. Galway, by Penelope, da. of John Hardiman Burke, of St. Clerans, in that co. He d. 4 Apr. 1869, aged 52, having thrown himself out of a window at Lyons Castle. His widow d. 8 May 1895, at Maretimo afsd.C") BARONY [U.K.] IL BARONY [L] IV. BARONY [U.K.] IIL 4 and 3. Valentine (Lawless), Baron Cloncurry [L and U.K.], and a Baronet [I.], s. ■ 1869 ^'""^ ^'j ^- ^ Nov. 1840, in Ireland; ed. at Eton ^ and at BaUiol Coll. Oxford, B.A. 1861; Sheriff of CO. Kildare 1867. A Conservative.(') He »7., 23 Jan. 1883, at Nostell, co. York, Laura Sophia Priscilla, ist da. of Rowland (Winn), 1st Baron St. Oswald of Nostell, by Harriet Maria Amelia, da. of Col. Henry Dumaresq. She d. 29 Oct. 1891, at 11 Grosvenor Gardens. Family Estates. — These, in 1883, consisted of 6,121 acres in co. Kildare; 5,137 in CO. Limerick; 923 in co. Dublin; and 306 in co. Meath. Total 12,487 acres, worth ^10,443 a year. Principal Residence. — Lyons Castle, near Hazlehatch, co. Kildare. CLONEY i.e. " Cloney," Barony of [I.] {Ducie), cr. 1661. with "Downe," Viscountcy [I.], which see; extinct 1679. CLONLYON See "Bowes of Clonlyon, co. Meath," Barony [I.] (Bowes), cr. 1758; extinct 1767. been as liberal as in his more private character." He is said to have spent as much as ;^200,ooo on building and adorning Lyons Castle. His Recollections were published in 1849. (^) His elder br. of the half blood, Valentine Anne, only s. by the 1st wife, h. 1805, d. unm. and v.p.^ at the house of his sister's husband, John, Baron de Robeck, in Dublin, 24 Jan. 1825, ^Z^^ 19- V.G. () " She is the most charming old beauty of seventy — as bright as seventeen, and full of fun and cleverness. It was quite worth a journey to Italy to make friends with her." (Mrs. M. O. W. Qliphant: letter, 1885). V.G. if) He rowed in the Oxford eight in 1859; and is one of the numerous peers who are, or have been, directors of public companies, for a list of whom (in 1896) see vol. v, Appendix C. V.G.