Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/37

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CARDIGAN 17 1855-60; Col. of the 5th Dragoon Guards, 1859-60; and of (his old regi- ment) the nth Hussars, 1860-68. In 1854 he commanded a Cavalry Brigade in the Crimean War,(*) under (his br.-in-law) the Earl of Lucan [1.], and received the four-clasp Crimean medal in May 1855. K.C.B. 5 July 1855; Commander of the Legion of Honour of France, 2 Aug. 1856; Knight, 2nd class, of the Medjidie of Turkey, 2 Mar. 1858. A Conservative. He m., istly, 19 June 1826, at Chiswick, Midx. (where she is described as "being now single and unmarried"), Elizabeth Jane Henrietta (formerly wife of Lieut. Col. Christian Frederick Charles Alexander James Johnstone, of Hilton, from whom she had been divorced a few months previously), sister of John, ist Baron Tollemache, ist da. of Admiral John Richard Delap Tollemache (formerly Halliday), by EHzabeth, da. of John (Stratford), Earl of Aldborough [L]. The union proved unhappy, and she was separated from the Earl in i846.() She, who was b. 8 Dec. 1797, d. 15 July 1858, at 36 South Str., Park Lane. Admon. 30 July, under ;/!2,ooo. He ;«., 2ndly, 28 Sep. 1858, at the King's Chapel, Gibraltar, Adeline Louisa Maria,('^) only da. of Spencer Horsey de Horsey, formerly Kildereee, by Louisa Maria Judith, da. of John (Rous), 1st Earl of Stradbroke. He d. at Deene Park, from injuries sustained by a fall from his horse, 27 Mar., and was bur. there 9 Apr. 1868, aged 70. Will pr. 23 June 1868, under ;^6o,ooo. His widow, who was b. 24 Dec. 1824, in Charles Str., Berkeley Sq., ;»., 28 Aug. 1873, at the Rom. Cath. Chapel, King Str., Marylebone, Antonio Manuelo, Count de Lancastre ('^) in Por- tugal. He d. in 1898, of bronchitis, in Paris, and was bur. at P^re la Chaise. She was living 19 12. (*) " His personal gallantry at Balaklava, when he charged the Russians at the head of his Brigade, forcing his way, with about 600 cavalry, through some 3,600 of the enemy, and leaving half of his men and horses dead upon the field, will long be re- membered, when the controversy as to the mistaken order, in obedience to which he led the charge in the teeth of the enemy's guns, is forgotten." {Annual Register for 1868). The exploit was commemorated by the Poet Laureate Tennyson, in the well-known Charge of the Light Brigade. (*■) This was on account of her intrigue with Lord Colville. V.G. {^) Her intimacy with Lord Cardigan during his first wife's lifetime led to her having to leave her father's house, and to her being "cut" by respectable people. Her own account of Lord C. coming hot from his wife's deathbed and bursting into her bedroom to urge their immediate marriage is pecuHarly shameless. See My Re- collections, pub. by her in 1909, a scandalous and valueless book, in which she describes herself as having been "a very pretty girl with a slight but fine figure, and long hair that fell in curls below my knees"; in this work she gives, with very doubtful taste, a list of seven widowers, including Disraeli, and some single men, who she alleges had asked her in marriage. Incidentally she tries to take away the character of a good many men and women. The style which she adopted of Countess of Cardigan and Lancastre, gave annoyance to Queen Victoria, who had formerly travelled incognito as Countess of Lancaster. V.G. f^) The title of Lancastre, or Alancastre, is borne by a Portuguese family, a bastard branch of the old Royal house, and is a memorial of the match with John of Gaunt's daughter. V.G. 3