Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/395

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COLEVILLE 375 I. 1331. I. Robert DE CoLEViLLE, of Bytham afsd., s. and h., ^. 20 Oct. 1304, at Bawdsey, Suffolk, and bap. there. He BARONY BY pr. his age Sep. 1326. He was sum. to a Council SITTING. 25 Feb. (1341/2) 16 Edw. Ill, and to Pari. 20 Nov. (1348) 22 Edw. Ill to 20 Jan. (1365/6) 39 Edw. Ill, by writs directed Roberto de Colevilla, whereby he is held to have become LORD COLEVILLE-C) He had previously, as far back as 15 July (1331) 5 Edw. Ill, sat in Pari., though not recorded to have been so sum- moned. C") He served in the wars with France. He ;«., before 22 May 1329, Cicely, who surv. him. He d, 1368, before 6 May, aged 63. II. 1368 2. Robert(de Coleville),Lord CoLEViLLE,aged4years to in 1368, grandson and h., being only s. of Walter de C., by 1369. Margaret (who d. before 6 July 1368), da. of Giles, and granddaughter and h. of Humphrey Bassingbourne, of Abington, Northants, which Walter (who was aged 8, and then married, in I348('^)) was s. and h. ap. of the last Lord, and d. v.p.^ 1367. He d. unm., 14 July 1369 (York and Cam. Inqs. p. m.), aged 6, when any hereditary Barony which may be supposed to have been cr. by the sitting of 1 33 1, became extinct. In 1369/70, his two cousins,() descendants of the daughters of Roger de Coleville (his grandfather's grandfather), were found to be his heirs. COLLINGWOOD OF COLDBORNE AND HETHPOOLE BARONY. Cuthbert Collingwood, s. of Cuthbert C, of New- castle-upon-Tyne, merchant, by Milcha, da. and coh. of I. 1805 ReginaldDoBSON,of Darwess,Westmorland,waSi^. 26Sep., to and bap. at St. Nicholas's, Newcastle-on-Tyne, 24 Oct. 1 750; 1 8 10. ed. at the Grammar school there; entered the Navy at eleven, became Lieut. R.N. in 1775, and thereafter sue. to almost every post vacated by the promotion of his firm friend, Horatio Nelson. He was, with Nelson, in 1780, in the expedition to San Juan, on (*) As to how far these early writs of summons did in fact create any peerage title, see Appendix A in the last volume. V.G. C>) On the analogy of the Hastings Case, the precedency of this barony would be fixed by the sitting of 1331 [see Preface]. V.G. (■=) At Mich. (1343) 17 Edw. Ill lands were granted to Humphrey Bassing- bourne, with rem. to Walter, s. of Robert de Coleville and Margaret, da. of Giles B. (Placitade Banco). V.G. C^) These were (i) Ralph [Lord] Basset (of Sapcote), then aged over 40, s. and h. of Simon, who was s. and h. of Ralph Basset of Sapcote, by Elizabeth, da. of Roger de Coleville. See "Basset (of Sapcote)." And (2) Sir John Gernon, then aged over 40, s. and h. of Sir John G., by Alice, widow of Guy Gobaud, da. of Roger de Coleville. He d. s.p.m.i., 13 Jan. 1383/4.