Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/413

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CONGLETON 393 CONCRAIG i.e. "CoNCRAiG," Barony [S.] (Drummond), cr. 1696, by James II, when in exile, with the Dukedom of Perth [S.], which see; see also vol. i, Appendix F. CONGLETON BARONY. I. Henry Brooke Parnell, 2nd s. of the Rt. Hon. Sir John P., 2nd Bart. [I.], of Rathleague, in Queen's I. 1841. Co., Chancellor of the Exchequer [I.], 1785-91, by Letitia Charlotte, da. and coh. of Sir Arthur Brooke, Bart. [I.], of Colebrooke, was b. 3 July 1776; ed. at Eton, at Win- chester, and at Trin. Coll. Cambridge. He sue. to the family estates on the death of his father, 5 Dec. 1801, his elder br. (whom he subsequently, 30 July 18 12, sue. in the Baronetcy) being passed over, as being dumb and a cripple, by Act of Pari, passed in 1789. He was M.P. for Mary- borough in the last Irish Pari., 1797- 1800; M.P. (Whig) for Queen's Co. Apr. to June 1802, for Portarlington July to Dec. 1802; for Queen's Co. again, 1806-32, and for Dundee, 1833-41; sitting in 14 P.arliaments, and taking an active part in favour ot the repeal of the Corn Laws, and of Catholic emancipation. A Lord of the Treasury [I.], 1806-07; Chairman of the Finance Committee, 1828; P.C. 27 Apr. 1 83 1 ; Sec. at War, 183 1-32 ;(*) Treasurer of the Navy, 1835-36; and Paymaster Gen., 1835-41. On 18 Aug. 1 841, he was cr. BARON CONGLETON, of Congleton, co. Chester.C") Hew., 17 Feb. 1801, Caroline Elizabeth, istda. of John (Daw- son), 1st Earl of Portarlington [I.], by Caroline, da. of John (Stuart), 3rd Earl of Bute [S.]. W^ithin 10 months of his creation as a Peer he hung himself, in a fit of temporary insanity, at Cadogan Place, Chelsea, 8, and was bur. 14 June 1842, in the cemetery of St. Geo., Han. Sq., in the Bayswater Road, aged 65. Will pr. Aug. 1842, under £j,ooo. His widow, who was b. 21 Mar. 1782, (/. 16 Feb. 1861, in Paris, aged 78. II. 1842. 2. John Vesey (Parnell), Baron Congleton, s. and h., ^. 16 June 1805, in Baker Str., Marylebone; ed. in France, and subsequently at Edinburgh Univ. He joined the sect of the (*) When he was dismissed for voting against Ministers on the question of the Russian-Dutch Loan. V.G. C") This title was chosen because the family originally came from that place. See G.E.C.'s Complete Baronetage, vol. v, p. 375. He was author of several works on finance. "Sir Henry is a respectable but by no means a superior speaker ... he is gentlemanly in appearance, so is he also in reality. His manners are highly cour- teous. His stature is of the middle size, rather inclining to stoutness. His com- plexion is fair, his features are regular, with a mild expression about them; and his hair is pure white." [Random Recollections of the House of Commons, 1836). V.G. 50