Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/45

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CARHAMPTON 25 the ist Lord. M.P. (Whig) for Stockbridge 1774-85. He was Capt. R.N. 1781-89. Commissioner of Excise 1 785-1 826. He m. istly I July 1766, Ehzabeth, only da. of John (Olmius), ist Baron Waltham [I.]^ by Anne, ist da. and eventually h. or coh. of Sir William Billers, some- time Lord Mayor of London. On the death j./., 10 Dec. 1786, of her br. Drigue Billers, 2nd Baron Waltham [I.], he, by roy. lie. 3 Apr. 1787, took the name of Olmius after that oi Luttrell. She d. s.p.m.s., 12 June I797.(*) He m., 2ndly, 16 July 1798, Maria, ist da. of John Morgan, of the Inner Temple, London, Recorder of Maidstone. He d. s.p.m.s.^ 19 Mar. 1829 in Devonshire Place, Midx., aged about 84, when all his Peerage titles became extinct.(^) Will pr. Mar. 1829. His widow d. 18 Jan. i8"57,('=) at Brighton, aged 80. Will pr. Feb. 1857. CARILL see CARYLL CARINGTON see CARRINGTON CARLANSTOWN i.e. " Nugent of Carlanstown, co. Westmeath," Barony [I.] (Nugent), cr. 1767, with the Viscountcy of Clare [I.], which see; extinct 1788. See " Nugent of Carlanstown " Barony [I.] {Nugent-Temple-Grenvilk), cr. 1800; extinct 18 12. See "Nugent of Carlanstown" Barony [L] (Nugent-Temp le-Gren- •vi/Ie), cr. 1800; extinct 1850. CARLAVEROCK See " Maxwell [of Carlaverock.]," Barony [L] (Maxwell), cr. before 1449; forfeited 171 5. CARLEILL i.e. "Lord Maxwell, Eskdale and Carleill" and Earl of Niths- DALE [S.] (Maxwell). See "Nithsdale," Earldom of [S.], cr. 1620 (with precedency from 158 1); forfeited 1715. (*) By her he had two sons, John who d. Apr. 1769, and James who d. 1772. C') In a Tasmanian newspaper is a notice of the death, on 23 Feb. 1886, in his 65th year, "at his residence, Somerset Cottage, Bellerive, [of] Edward Hungerford [Luttrell] eldest s. of the late Edgar Luttrell, of H.M.'s Customs, and grandson of the late Edward Luttrell, late Surgeon Gen. of Tasmania, and Earl of Carhampton." ex inform. Justin Browne, Lord's Place, Hobart, Tasmania, who adds "Mr. E. H. Luttrell has been my tenant for many years, his grandfather, Dr. Luttrell, having the bar sinister, could not claim the Earldom, though it was always known that he was an offshoot of the family." if) The estates went to the two daughters and coheirs of the Earl, viz. (i) Frances Maria, da. by ist wife, h. Sep. 1768, m. 1789, Sir Simeon Stuart, Bart., who </. 14 Jan. 1 816. She d. 4 Jan. 1848, leaving issue. (2) Maria Anne, da. by 2nd wife, b. May 1799; m. i-j Feb. 1821, Lt. Col. Hardress Robert Saunderson, Gren. Guards. She d. 14 Nov. 1861, leaving issue, 4