Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/451

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CORNWALL 431 dor to Pope Innocent IV, 1250; P.C, 1253; Joint Guardian of England, 1253-54. He acquired vast estates and great wealth by farming the Mint the Jews, &c., and doubtless in consequence (") thereof, was elected, at Frank- fort, 13 Jan. 1256/7, by the Princes of the Empire, King of the Romans, being crowned 17 May 1257, at Aachen. C') In Oct. 1259 he was Ambassador to Pope Alexander IV. He was a faithful adherent of the King- his br., against the rebellious Barons, and both were taken prisoners at the battle of Lewes, 14 May 1264. He m., istly, 30 Mar. 123 1, at Fawley, near Marlow, Bucks,(') Isabel, C) widow of Gilbert (de Clare), Earl of Gloucester and Hertford, da. of William (Marshal), Earl of Pembroke by Isabel, da. and h. ot Richard (de Clare), also Earl of Pembroke. She d. 17 Jan. 1239/40, in childbed, at Berkhampstead, of jaundice, and was i>ur. at Beaulieu, Hants, her heart being sent to Tewkesburj- Abbey.Q M.I. He »;., 2ndly, 22 Nov. 1243,0 ^^ Westm. Abbey, Sancha, 3rd da. and coh.(') of Raymond Berengar, Count of Provence, by Beatrice, da. of Tomaso, Count of Savoy. She, who was crowned Queen (") (with her husband) 1 2 5 7, d'. 9 Nov. 1 2 6 1 , and was l>ur. at Hailes Abbey, co. Gloucester, which her husband had, in 1251, founded. He »;., 3rdly, 16 June 1269, Beatrice, da. of Walram de Fauquemont, Seigneur de Montjoye, by Jutta, da. of Otto, Count of Ravensberg in Vestphalia.(') He J. at Berkhampstead Castle, Herts, having been bled for ague, 2 Apr. 1272, and was I?ur. in Flailes Abbey afsd., aged 63, his heart being sent to Rewley Abbey, Oxon, of which, also, he was the founder. M.I.(s) (*) " Nummus ait pro me; nubit Cornubia Romae." () He was, however, "soon dispossessed, forsaken, and forced to return into England a poorer King than he went out an Earl." See Sandford. In Bryce's Ho/y Roman Empire (p. 2 12), it is said that " Three of the Electors finding his bribe to them was lower than to the others, seceded in disgust and chose Alfonso X of Castile." {') Annales de Theokesheria. V.G. (^) In July 1235 the Pope sent him a monition to remain in matrimony with the Countess of Gloucester though he has lately been told that her former husband was connected with him in the 4th degree. V.G. C) " One of those 4 daughters of an Earl that by marriage came to be exalted to the thrones of so many Kings, an example not to be paralleled in any history." [Sandford). The other three Queens were (i) Margaret, wife of Louis IX of France, (2) Eleanor, wife of Henry III of England, and (3) Beatrice, wife of Charles I of Naples. ex inform. G. W. Watson, who adds: "The parentage of the third wife of Richard, Earl of Cornwall, has been variously stated. According to Butkens, she was da. of Lothar, Count of Hostade and Dalhem; it is this hypothesis alone which would make her niece of Conrad, Archbishop of Cologne. Gebauer, in his Life of Richard (i 744), endeavours to prove that she was da. of Philipp von Falkenstein, Arch- chamberlain of the Empire. But she was really da. of Walram de Fauquemont (Valkenberg, near Maastricht) — "Si [Richart] prist a femme la fille monseignour Walerant de Faukemont" {Chron. Balduini Avennensis, in Mon. Germ. Hist., Script., vol. XXV, p. 462) — and consequently niece, not of Conrad, but of his successor, Engelbert de Fauquemont." (s) A noble "pyramis" was erected over him, at Hailes, by his widow, but has