Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/481

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COTTENHAM 461 b. 18 May 1874, at 36 Wilton Crescent, Midx.; ed. at Eton, and at Oxford. A Conservative. He w., 29 Nov. 1899 (spec, lie), Rose, divorced wife of John Blundell Leigh, and da. of William (Nevill), ist Marquess OF Abergavenny, by Caroline, da. of Sir John van den Bempde Johnstone 2nd Bart. She, who was b. 7 Dec. 1866, d., being found shot(*) in a wood at Goring, 2, and was bur. 6 May 19 13, at Eridge. [Kenelm Charles Francis Pepys, j/v/i?^ Viscount Crowhurst, ist s. and h. ap., b. 13 May 1901, at 4 Egerton Gardens, Brompton.] Family Estates. — These, in 1883, consisted of 3,439 acres in Surrey, and 1,1 17 in Cheshire. Total, 4,556 acres, worth ^{^5,674 a year. Principal Residence. — Tandridge Court, near Godstone, Surrey. C") COTTESLOE BARONY. I. Thomas Francis Fremantle, ist s. and h. of Vice Adm. Sir Thomas Francis Fremantle, G.C.B., Baron of I. 1874. the Austrian Empire [so cr. 29 Nov. 18 16], by Elizabeth, da. and coh. of Richard Wynne, of Folkingham, co. Lin- coln; was b. 1 1 Mar. 1798 at 2 Bolton Row, Mayfair, and bap. at St. Geo., Han. Sq.; matric. at Oxford (Oriel Coll.), 19 Mar. 18 16, B.A. (ist class math, and 2nd class classics), 18 19; sue. his father 19 Dec. 18 19; was cr. a Baronet 14 Aug. 1821 (out of respect to the memory of his father), with rem. to the heirs male of the body of his flither, whose Austrian title of Baron he and his issue were authorised to bear by Royal lie. 22 Jan. 1822; M.P. (Tory) for Buckingham (in 7 Paris.), 1827-46; Sec. to the Treasury, 1834-35, and 1841-44; Sec. at War, 1844-45; P-C- 23 May 1844, and P.C. [L] 26 Mar. 1845; Chief Sec. for Ireland, 1845-46; Deputy Chairman Feb. to June I 846, and Chairman to the Board of Customs, 1 846-73. On 2 Mar. 1874, he was cr. BARON COTTESLOE OF SWANBOURNE AND OF HARDWICK, co. Buckingham. (<^) He w., 24 Nov. 1824, at Little Marlow, Bucks, Louisa Elizabeth, ist da. of Field Marshal Sir George Nugent, Bart., G.C.B., by Maria, da. of Cortlandt Skinner. She, who was b. 8 Sep. 1803, at Govt. House, Jamaica, d. (from poison accidentally taken) 17 Aug. 1875, at Swanbourne, Bucks, and was bur. there. He d. there 3 Dec. 1890, aged 92. Will pr. Jan. 1891, at ;C78,838.('^) (*) She had been killed at close quarters, her gun being found at her side. The verdict of the Coroner's jury was accidental death. V.G. C") This was bought in 1834 under the will of Sir William Weller Pepys, and was sold by the 4th Earl to Max Michaelis. V.G. (') This was one of the creations from the ranks of the Civil Service. See vol. ii, p. 179, note "b,"i«i Frederic, Baron Blachford of Wisdome [1871]. V.G. {^) Peel writes of him in 1845, "In his perfect temper, discretion, experience in public business, honour and integrity, I have unbounded confidence." He was one of the numerous peers who are or have been directors of public companies, for a list of whom (in 1896) see vol. v. Appendix C. He attended the House of Commons on the night of the Budget without a break from 1827 to 1889. V.G.