Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/484

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464 COUPAR of Pari., 20 Dec. 1607, as LORD COUPAR [S.], "to him and the heirs male of his body, which failing to his father and his heirs male and oi entail in his infeftment of the Barony of Balumby;" having at the same time a grant of the lands belonging to the dissolved Cistercian Abbey of Coupar, co. Angus, which had been disannexed from the Crown the previous year.(*) An Extraordinary Lord of Session 7 June 1649-52. He was fined

^3,ooo for his loyalty under Cromwell's act "of grace and pardon," 12 Apr.

1654. He m., istly, Margaret, da. of Sir James Halyburton, of Pitcur. He w., 2ndly, in 1667 (cont. 11 Oct. 1666), when nearly 80, Marion, da. of James (Ogilvy), 2nd Earl of Airlie [S.], by his ist wife, Helen, da. of George (Ogilvy), ist Lord Banff [S.]. He d. s.p., Jan. 1668/9. C") His widow w.,as his ist wife, 31 July 1669, John (Leslie), Lord Lindores [S.], who d. 1706. She d. before Sep. 1695. IL 1669. 2. John (Elphinstone), Lord Balmerinoch and Lord Coupar [S.], nephew and h., who sue. to the dignity of Coupar under the spec. rem. in its creation, and who had pre- viously sue. his father (eldest br. to Lord Coupar abovenamed) in 1649 '" the dignity of Balmerinoch. The two titles remained united till both were forfeited {^) by the attainder and execution of the 6th Lord Balmerinoch and 5th Lord Coupar, 18 Aug. 1746. See "Balmerinoch," Barony [S.], cr. 1606. COURCHY or CUERCHY see GLEAN O'MALLUN COURCY See "KiNSALE," Barony [L] {Courey). (^) See note sub John, Lord of Holyroodhouse [1607]. C") He had, when weak both in body and mind [Riddel/, p. 86) been inveigled into resigning his honours and estates in favour of his young wife and any one whom she might marry; obtaining a crown grant under the caschet [i.e. Sign-manual] thereon. This, however, on an action of reduction by Lord Balmerinoch, the heir-at-law, was set aside, 28 June 1 67 i, by the Court of Session, under the law of death-bed. The report is very full, and clearly shews (what has sometimes been ignored) that the dignity as well as the estates were in question. (') The title of Balmerinoch, the issue male of the ist Lord having failed, became extinct; some doubt, however, may remain as to that of Coupar, as the "infeftment of the Barony of Balumby" referred to in the charter of creation is unrecorded, and its terms unknown, [ex inform. J. Maitland Thomson). V.G.