Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/492

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472 COVENTRY He m., istly, before 1670, Winifred, da. of Pierce Edgcumbe, of Mount Edgcumbe, Devon, by Mary, da. of Sir John Glanville, of Broad- clyst, in that co. She d. 11, and was bur. 15 June 1694, at St. James's, Clerkenwell. He ;«., 2ndly, 16 July 1695, Elizabeth Graham or Grimes,(^) of Croome Dabitot, co. Worcester, Spinster, about 25 (lie. Fac. Off., 13 May 1695), '^^- °^ Richard Grimes, of St. Giles's Cripple- gate, turner, and Anne, his wife. He d. i ^ July, and was bur. 2 Aug. 1699, with great state from his mansion at Croome Dabitot, in the church there, aged about yo-C") M.I. at Elmley.(^) Will dat. 24 Mar. 1698/9, pr. 27 July 1699. His widow m.. May 1700, Thomas Savage, of Elmley Castle, CO. Worcester, who d. s.p.m.s., 7, and was bur. 1 1 May 1 742, at Elmley. She d. long before him, and was bur. 10 Apr. 1724, at Elmley. Admon. 30 Oct. 1724. IV. 1699. 2. Thomas (Coventry), Earl of Coventry, fife, s. and h. by ist wife, b. about 1662; Custos Rot. of co. Worcester, 1699 '^^^l ^^^ death; Recorder of Coventry 1706 till his death. A Whig. He w., 4 May 1691, Anne, da. of Henry (Somerset), 1st Dure of Beaufort, by Mary, da. of Arthur (Capell), ist Baron Capell of Hadham. He d. Aug. 17 10, and was bur. at Croome Dabitot. Admon. 5 Dec. 17 10. His widow, who was b. 22 July 1673, d. 14 Feb. 1763, at Snitterfield afsd., aged 89,0 after 53 years' widowhood, and was bur. at Badminton, co. Gloucester. C^) Will pr. May 1763. V. 1710. 3. Thomas (Coventry), Earl OF Coventry, fsfc, 1st and only surv. s. and h., b. 7 Apr. 1702; d. in his loth year, 28 Jan. 171 1/2, at Eton College. Admon. 14 Feb. 171 1/2, to his mother. VI. 17 1 2. 4. Gilbert (Coventry), Earl of Coventry [1697], Viscount Deerhurst [1697] and Baron Coventry of Aylesborough [1628], uncle and h., being 2nd surv. s. of the ist Earl by his 1st wife. He was b. about 1668. A Whig. He m., istly (lie. Bp. of London, 30 Nov. 1694, he 25 and she 24), Dorothy, da. of Sir William Keyt, 2nd Bart., by Elizabeth, da. of the Hon. Francis Coventry, a yr. s. of the Lord Keeper. She d. 1705. He m., 2ndly, 27 June 17 15, (*) She was one of his domestic servants, and niece of his housekeeper. See an interesting article entitled "The family of the first Countess of Coventry, &c." in the Her. and Gen., vol. vii, pp. 97-1 15, exposing the fraud as to her lineage perpetrated on the Earl's monument, which consequently was refused a place in Croome Dabitot church, by Gregory King, Lancaster Herald, but was afterwards erected at Elmley. C*) Lloyd says of him, "In the administration of justice he was so erect, so incorrupt, as captious malice stands mute in the blemish of his fame." V.G. if) Dates of birth and death as on coffin plate; she did not die in Jan. as in Diet. Nat. Blog. V.G. if) She was author of Meditations and Reflections, moral and divine.