Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/511

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CRAMOND 491 mother.(^) He was knighted 2 Dec. 1626. He ;//., istly, 11 July 1626, at St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, Elizabeth, ist da. of Sir William Hewitt. She, by whom he had no less than 7 sons, d. 24 Jan. 1639/40, in her 35th year, and was bur. at St. Botolph's, Aldersgate Str. M.I. He ?«., 2ndly, in 1642, Mary, widow of Sir Miles Sandys, da. of Sir John Hanbury, of Kelmarsh, Northants. He<y.i2 Mar. 1 642/3, C") in his 45thyear,and was (^«r. at Honingham, Norfolk. M.I. Admon. 11 Jidy 1646, to a creditor. His widow is the "Lady Richardson" who, on 27 Feb. 1646/7, m. at St. Bar- tholomew-the-less, London, John Gofton, of Stockwell. She surv. him, and was bur. at St. Botolph's, Aldersgate, on the last Thursday in Jan. circa 1650. Will pr. 1686/7.] II. 1 65 1. 2. Thomas (Richardson), Baron Cramond [S.], s. and h. of Sir Thomas Richardson, Master of Cramond, by Elizabeth, his ist wife abovenamed, sue. on the death of his grand- father's widow, the suo jure Baroness Cramond [S.], to that Barony, under the spec. rem. in the patent thereof. He was bap. 19 June 1627, at St. Martin's-in-the-Fields. M. P. for Norfolk, 1660, and 166 1-74. (*=) Hew. (lie. Bp. of London 20 Sep. 1647) Anne, yr. of the 2 daughters and coheirs of Sir Richard Gurnev, Bart, (the loyal Lord Mayor of London), of Totteridge, Herts, by Elizabeth, his ist wife, da. of Henry Sandford, of Birchington, Kent. He d. 1 6, and was bur. 17 May 1 674, at Honingham (f) afsd., in his 47th year. M.I. Admon. 16 July 1674 to a creditor, and, again, 26 June and 26 July 1688. His widow, who was aged 17 in Sep. 1647, d. 31 Jan. 1677, and was bur. at Honingham afsd. M.I. Admon. 23 Feb, 1698/9. III. 1674. 3. Henry (Richardson), Baron Cramond [S.], s. and h., b. Oct. 1650; ed. at the Univ. of Cambridge, M.A. 1668. He m. Frances, widow of Sir Edward Barkham, Bart, (who d. 1688), da. of Sir Robert Napier, 2nd Bart., of Luton Hoo, Beds, by his 2nd wife, Penelope, da. of John (Egerton), ist Earl of Bridgwater. He d. s.p., 5, and was bur. 7 Jan. 1 701, at Honingham, in his 51st year. M.I. His widow d. at Norwich, and was bur. 19 Nov. 1706, at Didlington, Norfolk. (') On the monument erected by him to his father he styles himself " Thomas Richardson, fil. unicus, Eques Auratus, Baro Scotia Designatus" and is so styled on his own monument, with the addition of "claris majoribus oriundus" which, presum- ably, alludes to his mother's ancestry. (*") Not 1644/5 as in Diet. Nat. Biog. V.G. ("=) For a list of Scottish peers who sat in the English House of Commons, see note sub Falkland. C^) He sold the estate of Honingham to Richard Baylie, D.D., President of St. John's College, Oxford, and Dean of Salisbury, 1635-67.