Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/517

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CRANSTOUN 497 VIII. 1778. 8. James (Cranstoun), Lord Cranstoun [S.], br. and h.,/>ap.26]une 1755, at Crailing afsd.; Lieut. R.N., 1776; Capt. 1782, in which year being in command of a ship, he distinguished himself in Rodney's victory (12 Apr.) over Count de Grasse. He received the thanks of Pari. 17 Nov. 1795 for his brave resistance to a French fleet of double his number. He was appointed Gov. of Grenada, 1796, but J. before going out. He w., 19 Aug. 1792, at Darnhall, Elizabeth, yst. da. of Lieut. Col. Lewis Charles Montolieu, Baron of St. Hypolite, in the Holy Roman Empire, by Elizabeth, da. of Peter Letreup. He J. s.p., 22 Sep. 1796, in his 42nd year, at Bishops Waltham, Hants, being accidentally poisonedjC") and was l^ur. in the Garrison Chapel at Portsmouth. Will pr. Mar. 1797. His widow d. of a decline, in St. James's Sq., Bath, 27 Aug., and was hir. 2 Sep. 1797, in the Abbey there, aged 27. Admon. Sep. 1797. IX. 1796. 9. James Edmund (Cranstoun), Lord Cranstoun [S.], nephew and h., being s. and h. of the Hon. Charles Cranstoun, of Creeling Castle, Midlothian, by Elizabeth, da. of ( — ) Turner, of CO. Worcester, which Charles was next br. to the last Lord. He matric. at Oxford (Ch. Ch.) 23 Oct. 1802, at the age of 18. He ;«., 25 Nov. 1807, at the Retreat, in the island of St. Christopher, Anna Linnington, ist da. of John Macnamara, of that island. He d. 5 Sep. 1 8 1 8, at St. Kitt's afsd. His widow ^.22 Nov. 1858. X. 181 8. 10. James Edward (Cranstoun), Lord Cranstoun [S.], s. and h., I?. 12 Aug. 1809, at Cranstoun House, St. Christopher's, afsd. He matric. at Oxford (Ch. Ch.) 23 Oct. 1828. He w., 1843, Elizabeth, ist da. of Sir John Henry Seale, ist Bart., by Paulina Elizabeth, only child of Sir Paul Jodrell. He ^. s.p., 18 June 1869, at Duncroft House, St. John's W^ood, Midx., aged 59. Will pr. 2 Aug. 1869, under ;^45,ooo. His widow ^.31 Dec. 1899, at Culver Lodge, Shanklin, I. of Wight, aged 84. Will pr. over ;/"5,ooo gross and over 2,4jOOO net. XI. 1869 II. Charles Frederick (Cranstoun), Lord Cran- June STouN [S.], only br. and h., l>. in St. Christopher's, 18 13; to matric. at Oxford (St. Alban Hall) 30 June 1829, at the Sep. ageof 18, B. A. (Jesus Coll.) and 2nd class in classics, 1836, M.A. 1849. He </. unm., 28 Sep. 1869, at Brighton, aged 56, when the Peerage became either dor})iant(^) or extinct. (*) "By drinking cider which had been kept in a vessel lined with lead." [Diet. Nat. Biog.). V.G. By sign manual, 6 Mar. 1799, a pension of ^300 a year was granted in trust for James, Lord Cranstoun. _Query, if not for his nephew r] (^) The 5th Lord (who i^. 1727) had a son, George, v.'o d. at Edinburgh in 1788, leaving male issue. There were also two yr. sons (Henry and Thomas) of the 1st Lord who are unaccounted for. The heirs male of the ist Lord, other than his issue, are unknown. 63