Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/522

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502 CRAVEN PEDIGREE OF CRAVEN* The relationships of the [5] various remainder men to the grantee and to one another is shown in the following tabular pedigree, in which the dates, within square brackets, [ 1 62 7], [ 1 665], [ 1 666], indicate the persons mentioned in remainder in the grants ot those dates, which persons are also numbered [^ *° [5]- -^^1 of these died in the grantee's lifetime, one only, the one last mentioned, leaving male issue, who inherited the Barony of 1666. William Craven = Beatrix (Hunter?) J. a widow 154.7. Henry C, </. 1604= Margaret, </. 161 3. William C, ^. 1571. T Anthony C. (of Darley), father of William and 4 das. Sir William C, Lord = Mayor, d. 161 8. Robert C. 6. 1574; d. 1661.

Mary Shear-

wood, m. be- fore 1 603 ; d. 1670. Thomas C, ^. 1578. I William C, cr. Baron C. and Earl C, 6aj>. 1608; d. 1697. I [1.1627] John C, cr. Baron C. of Ryton, 1643, d. s.f. 1648. |[2.1627] Thomas C, b. 1617; d. unm. •637- Henry C, b. 1608; J. 1634. SirWm. C. of: Lenchwick, b. 1610; d. 1655.


Fairfax. Thomas C.,=Annc of Burnsall, d. 1682, aged 71. 113.1666] William C, d. unm. 1665, aged 16. Proctor, </. 1681. 1 14. 1665] Sir Anthony C.,=Eliz. d. s.f. 1670. Pel- nets. I 16.1666) Sir Wm. C, of Coombe Abbey, = Margaret Clapham, d. 1 71 1. d. 1695, aged 57. r William C, b. i668, who sue. as 2nd Baron Craven in 1697 under spec. rem. of 1666.

  • This pedigree is based on that published by the Rev. W. J. Stavert in Vorks Archacl.

Journal, vol. xiii (1894). II. 1697. 2. William (Craven), Baron Craven of Hampsted Marshall, cousin and (apparently) h. male, who under the spec. lim. in the creation of that dignity, in 1666, sue. thereto, taking his seat in the House of Lords 6 Dec. 1697.^) He was b. 24 Oct., and bap. (") He was placed between Arundell of Trerice (1664) and Dartmouth (1682), on taking his seat, but his permanent place was between Arundell and Ossulston (1682), who was senior to Dartmouth, but absent from the House on the day (6 Dec. 1697) when Craven took his seat. There were in 1697 three Baronies in existence conferred between those of Arundell of Trerice and Ossulston which were not then merged in higher titles or Baronies of older creation, i.e. Clifford (1672), then held by a Romanist, who, as such, was excluded from Parliament by the Test Act; Belasyse (1672), held by a female; and Carteret (1681), held by a minor. V.G.