Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/533

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CRAWFORD 513 Feb. 1489/90. He w., istly (when only 18), in 1459, Elizabeth, da. and h. of James (Hamilton), 2nd Lord Hamilton [S.], by his ist wife Eupheme, da. of Patrick (Graham), Earl of Strathern. She was divorced in or before i484.(^) He m., 2ndly, before 27 Sep. 1484, Margaret, da. of ( — ) Carmichael, of Meadowflat.C') He d. Christmas 1495, '" his 55th year, at Finhaven Castle, and was bur. at Dundee. His widow d. in 1 534, after 1 1 Nov. [Alexander Lindsay, Master of Crawford, styled 'Lokq Lindsay, s. and h. ap. by ist wife, had charter of lands, with the Shrievalty of Aberdeen, '474) ^»d sat in Pari., Mar. 148 1/2. He m. Janet, 2nd da. of George (Gordon), 2nd Earl of Huntly [S.]. Having led " a wild and ungovern- able life," taking part against his father and quarrelling with his brother, he d. v.p. and s.p., 16 Sep. 1489, being "smothered in his bed at Inver- queich, and, as was thought, not without knowledge of his wife," and, apparently, of his brother also. His widow w., between Feb. 149 1/2 and Feb. 1492/3, Patrick (Gray), 3rd Lord Gray [S.], who d. Apr. 1541. This marriage must have been annulled between 1 500/1 and 1507/8, when she m., 3rdly, Patrick Butter, of Gormock. She wz., 4thly, before Nov. 1535, James Halkerston, of Southwood. She d. before Feb. 1558/9.] VI. 1495- 6. John (Lindsay), Earl of Crawford [S.], 2nd, but 1st surv. s. and h. by ist wife; retoured h. to his br. 15 June 1493; sat in Pari. 13 Mar. 1503/4, and was one of the 4 Governors from Tay to Shetland, 1503. He mortgaged the Shrievalty of Aberdeen in 1509 to William, Earl of Errol.('^) He m., in 1493, before Aug., Mariot, da. of Alexander (Home), 2nd Lord Home [S.], by his 2nd wife, Nichola, da. of Sir George Ker, of Samuelstown. He d. s.p. legit.,{^) 9 Sep. that of the Dukedom of Norfolk [1425] in the same century." (2) '■'■If any of the grants of James III survived the act rescissory all survived," inasmuch as the Earldom of Glencairn was held "in 1640 by the only competent tribunal" to have so survived, the Dukedom of Montrose must be held to have likewise so survived. (*) In 1502/3 she was wife of John Forrester of Niddrie; this marriage must also have been dissolved, for Forrester appears in record with another wife in 1507/8. The Countess was living 11 Mar. 15 16/7, the date of her will, which is preserved in a fragmentary Register of Testaments indexed by the Rev. Hew Scott about 181 5, soon afterwards lost, and only lately recovered, long after G. Burnett's remarks on the sub- ject which are given in a note to the ist edit, of this work, {ex inform. J. Maitland Thomson). V.G. C") Her cousin was made Capt. of Crawford Castle, hereditarily, by which de- signation this branch of Carmichael was afterwards known. if) "His career was not a happy one — his extravagance was great; he alienated lands held In capite of the Crown, cifc, the charge of fratricide hung over his head, and his children all died in infancy." () Of his two sisters the elder (or her issue) was the heir of line, viz. : (i) Margaret, who m. John Blair, of Balmyle, and had issue; the other (2) Elizabeth, or Isabel, tn. David Lyon, of Baikie, and had issue. 65