Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/535

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CRAWFORD 515 " the wicked Master " being legally excluded) heir male. His right to the lands was good under the entail of 1474, while that to the Earldom was confirmed by the Royal charter of 16 Oct. 1541 abovementioned. He was s. and h. of Walter Lindsay (slain at Flodden, 1513), by ( — ), da. of John Erskine, of Dun, which Walter was ist s. and h. ap. of Sir David L. s. and h. of Walter L., both of Edzell, the last named Walter being br. of the 4th and s. of the 3rd Earl.Q To him the late Earl had, in addition to the Lindsay estates (entailed in 1474) devised the Auchtermonzie estates inherited from the said late Earl's grandmother, Margaret Dunbar, in token of his "cordial love." This Earl, however, was not unmindful of these favours: he adopted the orphan boy of the late "Master," and, very generously (to the detriment of his own issue and more immediate race), reinstated him, 2 May 1546, with consent of the Crown, putting him "in fee of the Earldom as Master of Crawford." He sat in Pari. 1542-43; was a Member of the Privy Council, 1546. He spent the greater part of his revenue in freeing the estates from the incumbrances placed thereon by the later Earls. He ;;;., istly, before 12 June 1535, Janet, widow of Thomas (Eraser), Lord Lovat [S.] (who d. 21 Oct. 1524), and before that of Alexander Blair, of Balthyock, da. of Sir Patrick Gray, Master of Gray, by his 2nd wife, Annabel, da. of Alexander (Forbes), ist Lord Forbes [S.]. By her, whose will is dat. 5 Feb. 1549, he had no issue.C') He ;«., 2ndly, in 1549, Catherine, widow of James Ogilvie, Master of Ogilvie, da. of Sir John Campbell, of Lorn (yr. s. of Archibald, 2nd Earl of Argyll [S.]), by Muriel, da. and h. of John Calder. He d. 20 Sep. 1558, at Invermark Castle, CO. Forfar, and was bur. at Edzell. By his 2nd wife he left numerous issue. (") Will dat. 20 Sep., pr. i Oct. 1558. His widow d. I Oct. 1578, at Brechin Castle, in Angus. Her elaborate will, dat. 10 June to 10 Aug. 1578, pr. 2 June 1579. Both wills are among the family MSS. X. 1558. 10. David (Lindsay), Earl of Crawford [S.], ist s. and h. of Alexander Lindsay, "the wicked Master," who was s. and h. ap. of David, the 8th Earl, was aged 24 on 14 Apr. 1551. He was served h. to his grandfather 23 May 1554, and sue. to the Earldom (to which, but for his father's disqualification, he would have been entitled) by virtue of the deed of 1546, on the death of the last Earl. With great ingratitude he obtained a new charter of the Earldom, 8 July 1559, limiting it to the heirs general of his body, thus preferring his own female issue to the issue male of the last Earl. This, however, was annulled by Queen (*) See pedigree. (*>) Andrew, 2nd Lord Gray, mentions this Janet as his sister in his Will. V.G. ("=) Of these (i) Sir David L., s. and h., was ancestor of the Lindsays of Edzell, who, on the death of George, Lord Spynie [S.], in 1671, became head of the House of Crawford, while (2) John L. of Balcarres was ancestor of the Earls of Balcarres [S.], who, in I 744, became head of Crawford, and to whom, in 1 848, the Earldom ot Crawford was allowed. See tabular pedigree, p. 51 !•