Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/537

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CRAWFORD 517 XII. 1607. I -• David (Lindsay), Earl OF Crawford [S.], s. and h. by 1st wife, bap. 8 Mar. 1575/6, at Perth; was served h. 28 June 1608. P.C. [S.], taking oath as such 10 Mar. 1608. He slew his cousin, Sir Walter Lindsay, of Balgavies, 3rd s. of David, 9th Earl of Craw- ford, and was himself nearly slain in revenge (his uncle. Lord Spynie [S.], being actually so slain) by the young Laird (or h. ap.) of Edzell, nephew to' the murdered man.(') He is called '•'■ the prodigal Earl^" and sometimes "■the captive Earl" from his having been incarcerated in Edinburgh Castle by his relatives to prevent the utter ruin of the family. He ;«., between 4 Mar. 1 606, and 16 Apr. 16 10, Joan, widow of Robert Boyd, Master of Boyd (who d. May 1 597), da. of Mark (Kerr), i st Earl of Lothian [S.], by Margaret, da. of John (Maxwell), Lord Herries [S.]. From her he was divorced.C-) She m., jrdly, before 16 Feb. 161 8, Thomas Hamilton, of Robertoun, who d. 17 Aug. 1632. She d. before 1633. He d. 5.p.m.,(f) June 1620, at Edinburgh Castle, and was bur. in the Canongate. XIII. 1620. 13. Henry (Lindsay, afterwards Charteris), Earl OF Crawford [S.], uncle and h. male, being next br. to the I ith Earl. He had been Master of the Household to Anne'of Denmark, the Queen Consort, but was "wild, prodigal, and tyrannical." He was best known as " Sir Harry Lindsay, otherwise Charteris," being by charter 25 Sep. 1584, the adopted son of John Charteris, of Kinfauns, by Janet Chisholm, and having taken the name of Charteris, obtained a ratification of the said charter of adoption by Act of Pari. 20 Sep. 1587. He w., i stly, before 26 July 1586, Helen, da. of James Chisholm, of Cromlix, by Jean, da. of Sir John Drummond, of InnerpefFry, probably niece, or perhaps a sister of his adopted father's wife. He ;;;., 2ndly, 2 Dec. 1 599, Margaret, da. of Sir James Shaw, of Sauchie, by Marjory, da. of James Kirkcaldy, of Grange. He d. at Fin- haven Castle, 1 623, and was bur. in the church there. His widow was living 2 Oct. 1644. 22 Nov. 1607 on the authority of his son's retour, and on 18 Oct. 1607 his successor is still called Master of Crawford in a Royal Charter, so if the nth Earl was then dead it cannot have been long before. V.G. (*) He " exceeded even his father in recklessness and extravagance, riding through the country illegally armed and pursuing his feudal or personal enemies with unrelent- ing bitterness." (^) In the register of confirmed testaments she is styled " Dame Jeane Ker, Countess of Crawforde, and last spouse to Mr. Thomas Hamilton, of Robertoun in Edinburgh, who ^.17 Aug. 1632." V.G. C^) In spite of the date of his death as given in the text being established both by the Canongate Register and the Privy Council Register, his successor curiously enough is still called Sir Henry Lindsay only, in Feb. 1620/1. {Rtg- Mag. Sig.). V.G. His only child. Lady Jean Lindsay, destitute and uncared for, ran away with a common "jockey with the horn," and lived latterly by mendicancy. She was, however, granted an annual pension of ;rioo by Charles II.