Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/543

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CRAWFORD 523 XXII. 1 78 1. 2 2. George (Lindsay-Crawford), Earl OF Crawford [S.], Earl of Lindsay [S. 1633], Viscount Garnock [S. 1703], Lord Lindsay OF the Byres [S. 1445], Lord Parbroath [S. 1633], and Lord Kilbirny and Drumry [S. 1703], s. and h. He was b. 31 Jan. 1758, at Bourtree hill, co. Ayr; ed. at Eton from 1765; entered the army, 1776; Col. 2nd Batt. 71st, 1782-83, Col. of the 63rd Foot, 1789-1808, becoming finally, 1 805, Major Gen. Lord Lieut, of co. Fife, 1 794 to Mar. 1807, and May 1807 till his death. He d. unm., 30 Jan. 1808, aged 50, at his mother's house, Rosel, co. Ayr, and was bur. in the mausoleum at Crawford Lodge, co. Fife. Admon. June 1 8 11 . By his death the issue male of John, 17th Earl of Crawford and ist Earl of Lindsay, became extinct, and the Earldom of Crawford devolved as below, while all the other honours, abovenamed, devolved on the heir male collateral of the said Earl John. See "Lindsay," Earldom of [S.], cr. 1633, under the 7th Earl. [XXIII. 1808.] 23. Alexander (Lindsay), Earl of Balcarres [S. 1 651], Lord Lindsay of Balcarres [S. 1633], Lord Lindsay and Balneil [S. 1651], and de jure{^) Earl of Crawford [S.], being h. male of Ludovic, i6th Earl of Crawford, and h. male of the body of the ist (as also of the 2nd, 3rd, and 9th) Earl,() and, as such, entitled to that Earldom, on failure of the heirs male of the body of John the 17th Earl, under the regrant of 1642. He was s. and h. of James (Lindsay), 5th Earl of Balcarres [S.], by Anne, da. of Sir Robert Dalrymple; was b. 18 Jan. 1752; sue. his father, 20 Feb. 1768, as Earl of Balcarres [S.]. He joined the army in 1767, served under Gen. Burgoyne in Canada, being wounded at Ticonderoga, 7 July 1777; Lieut. Col. 24th Foot, 1777; Col. of the 63rd Foot, 1789 till his death; Major Gen., 1793; Lieut. Gen., 1798; becoming, finally, Gen. in the army, 1803; Commander of the Forces in Jersey, 1793; Lieut. Gov. of Jamaica, 1 794-1 80 ij^) sup- (") According to the decision of the House of Lords, in consequence whereof that Earldom was confirmed to the Earl of Balcarres, on 11 Aug. 1848. C") See tabular pedigree, p. 511. (') The journal of Maria, Lady Nugent, wife of Sir George N., K.B., who sue. Lord Balcarres as Gov. of Jamaica, is full of accounts of his dirty, slovenly habits. "I wish Lord B. would wash his hands and use a nail-brush, for the black edges of his nails really make me sick. He has besides an extraordinary propensity to dip his fingers into every dish. Yesterday he absolutely helped himself to some fricasee with his dirty finger and thumb." (31 Aug. 1801). On another occasion having gone to his country place with the idea of breakfast, the lady had to declare her in- tention of returning home for it " upon his secretary whispering me that there was but one whole teacup and saucer and a half." She also writes, "of Lord B.'s domestic conduct and his menage here altogether, never was there a more profligate and disgusting scene, and I really think he must have been more than half mad." Notes under 5 Dec. 1801 show that the Chief Justice of Jamaica, then dead, was not a lawyer by calling, but had "had charge of Lord B.'s property, who, the scandalous chronicle said, received a douceur of 1,000 guineas for giving him the appointment." V.G.