Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/572

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552 CROMWELL the King's hands owing to the death of Sir John de Kirketon. He was sum. to Parl.(^) from 28 Dec. (1375) 49 Edw. Ill to 6 Nov. (1397) 21 Ric. II, by writs directed Radulfo de CrombweW or CromweU whereby he is held to have become LORD CROMWELL.() In 10 Ric. II (1386-87) he was a Banneret, and retained to serve the King in the event of invasion. He »?., before 20 June 1366, Maud, sister and h. of William, and da. of John Bernak.e,() of Tattershall afsd., by Joan, da. and coh. of John Marmion [Lord Marmion]. He d. 27 Aug. 1398. His widow d. 10 Apr. 141 9. II. 1398. 2. Ralph (de Cromwell), Lord Cromwell, s. and h., aged 30 at his father's death. He was sum. to Parl.(^) from 19 Aug. (1399) 23 Ric. II to 3 Sep. (141 7) 4 Hen. V, by writs directed Radulfo de CroniwelF .(^) Constable of Castle Rising, Norfolk, 1404 till his death. He ni. Joan. He^. 141 7. His widow d. between 26 July and 10 Aug. 1434, at which dates respectively her will was dated and proved. She was bur. at Lamley, Notts. III. 1417 3- Ralph (°) (de Cromwell), Lord Cromwell, s. and to h., aged 16 on the death of his grandmother in 141 9. 1455. He was sum. to Parl.(^) from 29 Sep. (1422) i Hen. VI to 26 May (1455) 33 Hen. VI; P.C. 7 Nov. 1422; Constable of Castle Rising, 17 Feb. 1 430/1. Lord High Treasurer, Aug. 1433 to July i443;(') Master of the King's Mews and Falcons, 1436; Constable of Nottingham Castle and Warden of Sherwood Forest, I Feb. 1444/5. Founder of the College of Tattershall. Being suspected of complicity in a Yorkist Rising, he was examined by the Star Chamber 1452/3, and cleared himself (^) He m., before 4 July 1424, Margaret, da. of John (Deincourt), Lord Deincourt, by Joan, da. of Robert (Grey), Lord Grey (of Rotherfield). She, being then aged 17, became one of the two coheirs of her brother William, who d. 1422. She d. s.p., 1 5 Sep. 1454. He d. 4 Jan. 1454/5. Will dat. at Colley Weston,(^) Northants, 18 Dec. (») There is proof in the Rolls of Pari, of his sitting. () As to how far these early writs of summons did in fact create any peerage dignity, see Appendix A in the last volume. V.G. (A He was s. and h. of Sir William Bernake by Alice, da. and h. of Robert Driby and Joan, sister of Robert de Tateshale of Tattershall, and coheir to that family. 1^) On 12 May 1406 he is described in the Pa/fw/ i?«// simply as" chivaler." V.G. («) He signed himself " Rauf Lord Cromwell." {Test. Ebor., Surtees Soc, vol. ii, p. 199, note). V.G. (') For a list of great offices of State, see vol. ii, Appendix D. (8) In this year, on 6 Dec, The Lords Cromwell, Sudeley, Dudley, Stourton, and Berners, are mentioned in modern fashion in Patent Rolls., instead of being simply described as Knights. See also note sub Hungerford [1459]. V.G. C") He began the building of this mansion, adorning it with " divers baggs or purses cutt on the stonework " in allusion to his office as Lord High Treasurer. It was completed by Margaret, Countess of Richmond, mother of Henry VII. V.G.