Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/585

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CULLEN 565 him but six weeks;(") she d. at the King's Arms Hotel, Oxford, 13, and was bur. 19 July 1802, at All Saints, Rushton. M.I. Admon. 17 Feb. 1803. VI. 1802 6. BoRLASE (Cockayne), Viscount AND Baron CuLLEN to [I.], 2nd but I St surv. s. and h., by ist wife; b. and bap. 1810. 30 Sep. 1740, at St. Peter's, Rushton. He d. unm., at St. Albans, Herts, 11, and was bur. 21 Aug. 18 10, at All Saints, Rushton, in his 70th year. IM.I. Admon. 17 Sep. 18 10. By his death the issue male of the grantee came to an end, and the Peerage was considered extinct^i^) on the exact date at which 168 years before, it had been created. Family Estates. — These vested in the ten daughters and coheirs ("=) of the Hon. WiUiam Cockayne, of Rushton Hall, 2nd surv. and only s. that had issue, being only child by 2nd wife, and testamentary heir of the 5th Viscount. He d. 8 Oct. 1809, aged 53, ten months before his elder br., the last Viscount. The estate of Rushton (about 3,000 acres, with the advowson worth about ^"8oo a year) was sold in 1 828 for ;^" 140,000 to William Williams Hope, of Amsterdam. i.e. "Ogilvy of Cullen," Barony [S.] {Ogihy), cr. 1695 with the ViscouNTCY OF Seafield [S.], which see. i.e. "Ogilvy of Deskford and Cullen," Barony S.' {Ogihy), cr. 1701 with the Earldom of Seafield [S.], which see. (*) The same period as that between the death of his grandparents abovemen- tioned. (^) It was used in 1819 as one of the three extinctions required under the Act of Union [I.] for the creation of the Barony of Howden [I.]. According, however, to the spec. rem. in the creation (which see), Albemarle (Bertie), 9th Earl of Lindsey, would, in 1 8 10, have been entitled thereto (he being h. male of the body of Charles Bertie, the last person mentioned in the remainder) and, at that Earl's death, his heirs male of the body, the subsequent Earls of Lindsey. The patent, however, which probably was produced at the sitting of 1662, has long been lost and was never en- rolled. (■=) Of these ladies, Frances Annabella, the 9th da., wife of William Assheton, of Downham Hall, co. Lancaster, i^^. 25 July 1835, aged 40 ; Elizabeth Charlotte, lOth, and yst. da., widow of the Hon. Edmond Sexten Pery (s. of the ist Earl of Limerick [I.]), d. 21 Apr. 1883, aged 84; while, of the other eight, four ^. unm. and (i) Matilda Sophia Austen, widow, d. 23 Feb. 1869, aged 90, s.p.m.s. (2) Mary Anne Adams, widow, d. lb June 1873, aged 91, leaving, among other issue, a son, George Edward Cokayne [compiler of the 1st edition of this work], who by royal lie. I 5 Aug. 1873, •^°°'^ the name of Cokayne, in lieu of that of Adams, under her testamentary direction. (3) Georgiana, wife of John Edmond Maunsell, d. 19 Dec. 1864, aged 80, s.p. (4) Caroline Eliza, wife of Thomas Philip Maunsell, of Thorpe Malsor, Northants (M.P. for North Northamptonshire), d. 12 Mar. i860, aged 72. The four last named ladies were raised by royal warrants (23 Sep. 1836 and 4 Sep. 1838) to the same rank as if their father had succeeded to the Viscountcy.