Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/61

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CARLYLE 41 1485, was rewarded with large grants of land, and, between Oct. 1473 and July i474,was cr. LORD CARLYLE OF TORTHORWALD [S.J-C) He was Ch. Justice [S.], south of the Forth, and, in 1477 was on an Embassy to France. He was, when very young, contracted to, and may have m., Elizabeth, da. of Sir Thomas Kirkpatrick, of Closebourn. He certainly m., before 1476, Janet, who was living 1484. He m., lastly, before 4 Feb. 1492/3, Margaret, widow of Herbert Maxwell, of Monreith, da. of ( — ) Douglas. He was living 12 Jan. 1 500/1, but d. probably before 3 Mar., and certainly before 23 July 1501. Will dat. 12 Nov. 1500. His widow was living 22 Dec. 1509. [John Carlyle, Master of Carlyle, ist s. and h. ap., by Janet afsd. He m. ( — ), and d. v.p.^ before Oct. 1477.] II. 1501. 2. William (Carlyle), Lord Carlyle of ToRTHOR- wald[S.], grandson and h., beings, and h. of John Carlyle, Master of Carlyle, abovenamed. He was knighted 29 Jan. 1487/8. He had a charter of the Barony of Carlyle, on his grandfather's resignation, 12 Jan. 1 500/ 1, and had seizin of certain of his lands 1 1 May 1503. He m.^ before 12 July 1487, Janet, ist da. of John Maxwell, Master of Maxwell, by Janet, da. of George (Crichton), Earl of Caithness. He d. between 22 Feb. 1523/4 and 28 May 1525. III. 1524 3. James (Carlyle), Lord Carlyle of Torthorwald or [S.], s. and h. He had sasine 28 May 1525. He m. iS'^S- Janet, da. of Sir James Scrimgeour, of Dudhope, Con- stable of Dundee. He 12'. 5./>., shortly before 15 Jan. 1525/6. His widow was living Nov. 1546. IV. 1525 4. Michael (Carlyle), Lord Carlyle of To RTHOR- or WALD [S.], br. and h. He was one of the association on 1526. behalf of Queen Mary [S.] 8 May 1568, at Hamilton. His eldest s. having d. s.p.m., he alienated, 24 Mar. 1573/4, the Barony of Carlyle, (s'c, in favour of his 2nd s. Michael Carlyle. C') He m., istly, Janet Charteris. He m., 2ndly, Mariot Max- (^) He is designated " Lord Carlile " in the Crown accounts of Galloway, July 1474, and in Nov. 1475 he sits in Part, as such. See "Acts of Pari." [S.], vol. ii, p. 108, overlooked (apparently) in Hewlett, p. 34, where the date of his so sitting is given as I July 1476. C") On 4 Mar. 1 580/1 the charter (made "per quondam consanguineum nostrum, yc") was confirmed under the great seal to the said Michael, his heirs male " et assignatis hereditarie de totis et integris terris Baroniae de Carlyle, cum castro et fortalicio de Torthorwald, ^c." This settlement, however, after long litigation, appears to have been set aside, and the Barony of Carlyle was found to belong to Elizabeth, the heir general. In 1730 William Carlyle of Lochartur was served h. to Michael, 4th Lord Carlyle, as s. and h. of Robert C. of L., who was s. and h. of William C. of L., who was s. and h. of Michael C, 2nd s. and h. male of Michael, Lord Carlyle. The Peerage appears never to have been assumed or claimed by any of the above as heirs male of the grantee. 6