Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/614

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594 APPENDIX B DuNMORE, Alexander Edward Murray^ 8th Earl of. DuNRAVEN, Windham Thomas fVyndham-Quin, 4th Earl of. DuNSANY, Edward John Moreton Drax Plunkett, Baron. Ebury, Robert Victor Grosvenor, ist s. of the Baron Ebury. Enniskillen see Cole. Ennismore, Richard Granville Hare, styled Viscount, ist s. of the Earl of Listowel. Erne see Crichton. Erroll, Charles Gore Hay, 20th Earl of. Essex, George Devereux de Vere Capell, 7th Earl of. Falconer, Arthur George Keith-Falconer, styled Lord, 2nd but ist surv. s. of the Earl of Kintore. Falkland, Lucius Plantagenet Gary, Master of Falkland, ist s. of the 1 2th Viscount Falkland. Farnham, Arthur Kenlis Maxwell, i ith Baron. Fingall, Arthur James Francis Plunkett, i ith Earl of. FiTzwiLLiAM, William Charles de Meuron Wentworth Fitzwilliam, 7th Earl. Frankfort de Montmorency, Raymond Hervey Lodge Joseph de Montmorency, ist s. of the 3rd Viscount Frankfort de Montmorency, killed in action. Garnock, Reginald Bethune, styled Viscount, ist s. of the Earl of Lindsay. Gerard, William Causfield Gerard, 2nd Baron. GosFORD see Acheson. Graham, Marquess of, see Montrose. Granard, Bernard Arthur William Patrick Hastings Forbes, 8th Earl of. Grosvenor see Ebury; see also Stalbridge. Guinness see Iveagh. Haldon, Lawrence William Palk, 3rd Baron. Hamilton of Dalzell, Gavin George Hamilton, 2nd Baron. Hampden, Thomas Walter Brand, 3rd Viscount. Harbord see Suffield. Harris, George Robert Canning Harris, 4th Baron. HiNDLip, Charles Allsopp, 3rd Baron. Hood, Grosvenor Arthur Alexander Hood, 5th Viscount. HoTHFiELD, John SackviUc Richard Tufton, ist s. of Baron Hothfield. Hovell-Thurlow-Cumming-Bruce see Thurlow. Howard de Walden, Thomas Evelyn Ellis, 8th Baron. Hythe, Thomas AUnutt Brassey, styled Viscount, ist s. of the Earl Brassey. Iveagh, Rupert Edward Cecil Guinness, ist s. of Viscount Iveagh. Kensington, William Edwardes, 5th Baron, died of wounds. Kensington, Hugh Edwardes, 6th Baron. Kerry, Henry William Edmund Petty-Fitzmaurice, styled Earl of, ist s, of the Marquess of Lansdowne.