Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/644

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624 APPENDIX C Goscelin Gingesman occurs in 1203 in Harl. Ch. 54 D. 2, as well as in 52 E. 22 above. Will Pedeleun (Lionsfoot), co. Notts, temp. John (Harl. Ch. 83 F. 47). Petr. Beuwaleth=Beauvalet (Harl. Ch. 83 F. 51; 83 F. 53). Gil. Wildgris (Harl. Ch. 83 F. 23). Walt. Suaneshals:=Swansneck (Harl. 112, H. 34). Reinerus Waiueloch, witness in Beverley, temp. John (Add. Ch. 5720). Ric. Sakespee,(*) witness in North Lincolnsh. late twelfth cent. (Harl. Ch. 50 C. 24). Aldelin (query Aldelm) Figulus occurs in co. Line, late twelfth cent. (Harl. Ch. 51 8, 16). Rainald Pedkin witness in co. Line, late twelfth cent. (Harl. Ch. 47 L 15) ; as Reginaldus Pedkin in 47 L 14, and as Pedeken in 47 L 16. Ric. Peildecerf occurs as grantor in co. Line, to Kirkstead Abbey, late twelfth cent. (Harl. Ch. 54 G. 2). Petr. Passeleue, witness In Grimblethorpe, co. Line, late twelfth cent. (Harl. Ch. 57 G. 23). Paslew is quite a well-known name in co. York. The last Abbot of Whalley (Lanes.) was of this family. The word is French for a holy-water sprinkler, qui passe Veau. Baldwin Pa de Loupe, occurs in Rippingale, co. Line, early Edw. I (Add. 21098, y 9). Aschetin Pail de lu, witness in co. Line, late twelfth cent. (Harl. Ch. 49 H. 3). Vis de lou is fairly common. Hugo Paisforiere, witness in CO. Kent [i 139-47] (Cott. MS. Nero C. iii, F. 188). Thomas Gangeshid, witness in Bedfont or London, temp. John (Harl. Ch. 45 G. 67). Galfrid Le Pus, witness in London circa 1 162 (Cott. Ch. xxvii, 100). Thomas Hartherugge (not as one might think, hearth rug, but a local name, Hartridge) and Ralph Hikkebrid (. Dicky Bird), which occur in Close Rolls, Edw. Ill, vol. xii, are also curiosities. G. T. Clark, in an article on the West Riding Poll-Tax of 2 Ric. II (Torks. Arch. Journ., vol. vii), analysed the names in the roll, and writes: — "Out of the whole 19,600 [names] John occurs 3,400 times, William 1,846, Thomas 1,062, Robert 1,004, Richard 806, Alicia 1,033, Agnes 835, Johanna 709, Adam 418, Matilda 374, Isabella 358, Henry 319, Cecilia 298, Margaret 278, Magota 209, Roger 166, Emma 160, Elena 154, Hugh 153, Beatrice 128; and the rest below 100, and very many only once or twice. Dionisia is rather a favourite, and occurs 68 times; George but once." He also points out that very few of the native names appear, although the district was so remote, and the population almost exclusively of the lower class. W. Paley Baildon, who examined an Index, (») W. H. Stevenson writes: — "This is in O. Fr. Sacque-espee (^Draw-sword, which name is found in Ireland 14th cent.) Francois de Sacquesespee de Selin- court was Abbot Commendatory of St. Evroul 1596-1613."