Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/649

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Frederick Jeremiah Paul Joshua Archer Caleb Drew Levi Sylvanus Justus Stafford Evelyn Felix Henton Honorius Rene Amos Aaron Abel Brice Ebenezer Eleazar Ezekiel Kenelm Theobald Waldo Wyndham Murdoch Duncombe Willoughby Albert Edwin Archibald Ernest Harold Algernon Augustus Cecil Lionel Howard Montagu Oscar Theodore APPENDIX C 1166-7 1299-1327 1347-8 1558 (Villeins) 629 1738 1911 3 2 2 2 »9 I 6 5 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 The following names first appear in 191 1, and then once only : Adrian, Ainslie, Apcar, Aretas, Augustin, Awly, Baptist, Cyril, Douglas, Dunbar, Edgar, Egerton, Eldred, Eric, Gabriel, Gilfrid, Granville, Hans, Horace,